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Humanistic Interest

Improve the world and start with yourself. Based on a Humane Righteous Management-style. That's the starting-point and core value of righttosay. That is the Humanistic Interest. Because, what kind of criminal and dictatorial behaviour others, openly and underhanded, keep in store after all, a righteous world starts with yourself just wanting something what's righteous and not damaging to yourself and others. And to act accordingly, because where there is a righteous, not yourself and others damaging will, there is a righteous, not yourself and others damaging way. And many small righteous, yourself and others not damaging roads, makes a great righteous, yourself and others not damaging society. And a lot more sociable.

This document contains a complete as possible blueprint for a new world order, based on a humane righteous, yourself and others not damaging, democratic fundament. The starting points are categorised in four main themes: Live-able, Life-lessons, Life-maintenance, Life-principles. It is meant for everyone.... who wants to think about how to organise the world that way that everyone both can be themselves, and in a yourself and others not damaging way, enjoyable can interact and co-operate with others. 

Summary of the vision