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2.1. Identity & operating system

Elze's picture

A human be­ing is an iden­ti­ty, con­sis­ting of a unit of ener­gy and mat­ter that, on the con­di­ti­on of not da­ma­ging them­sel­ves and others, as an in­de­pen­dent ope­ra­ting sys­tem, is free to choose what it wants, al­lo­wed to dis­po­se of it­sel­ves, them­sel­ves may par­ti­ci­pa­te in so­cie­ty and has right of spea­king in it.

Elze's picture

2.1.1. The right to choose

Every­ human being is an iden­ti­ty with an intrinsic operating system that as ex­trin­sic subsystem ia part of a larger whole.

Each identity, no matter how small, is a physical body, a complete whole with a be­ginning and an end. A physical body that consists of an operating sys­tem full of big, smaller, smallest subsystems and a coordination me­cha­nism that not only all of these subsystems has to align without conflicts in a righte­ous way, but - as a re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ve of a composed identity - also forms part of and so should at­tuned to a larger identity system. [Compare: an ele­ment in an atom in a molecule in a cell, in an organ, in an unborn baby, in a womb, in a mother, in a house, in a re­si­den­ce, in a province, in a country, in a world, in a galaxy, in a cosmos].

Every human being is an personal operating system and a personal co­or­di­na­ti­on me­chanism within a family system. Our intrinsic limits are, as a men­tal steering head, via a semi-flexible next transition, secured on a phy­si­cal­ly va­riable limited, ex­trinsic coordinating body; with continuously incentric re­or­ganizing con­se­quen­ces for our head-neck-body identity as a result. In order to give our identity righte­ous sta­ture, enough mental space needs to be available which is intrinsically cor­rect de­lineated, because beyond that - as a physical subsystem - the boun­da­ries are not fixed. Every time when the intrinsic identity-system creates new fa­mi­ly-, land-, planet- or cosmos sys­tems, a incentric redistribution of the inter-iden­ti­ta­rian space [the space between ourselves and the rest of the 'cosmic family'] will is ne­cessary.

Every human being has the right to choose and adjust his or her own men­tal and physical operating system, if in a righteous themselves and others not damaging way.

Elze's picture

2.1.2. The right to self-determinate

Every hu­man be­ing is a zygotic identity that [just like a baby] only can start up and function as the right information, knowledge, resources and op­por­tu­ni­ties are available. About the possibility of with resources as a com­mu­nication, registration, co­operation and coordination system, exchange information and know­led­ge with other [sub]identities. To give a newcomer in the family the necessary room for ma­neuver, the existing family-members will have to move a bit and have to re-de­fi­ne their extrinsic position again. In other words, we have to re-divide and re-de­fi­ne the extrinsic space periodicall. If we physically and/or mentally get too clo­se, we can expect aggression from another, because because it will be his or her ter­ri­to­ry and if we and/or the other stand too far away from another, physically and/or mentally, we run the risk on development disorders, due too little development op­por­tu­ni­ties on sensorimotor area. Resulting in increased risk of totally or partly loss of con­trol over our own intrinsic operating system and more likely to be over­whel­med by aggressive operating systems that want to take over or des­troy our in­trin­sic operating system, in order to usurp our place as subsystem in the ex­trin­sic system.

Each individual, familiar, organizational and societal operating system must have suf­ficient information to arrange self-government that way that ope­ra­ting- and co­or­dination systems are divided equitably and provide mentally and physically ade­qua­te space to the subsystems.

Each identity has its own operating system.... that calls for self-government. The­re­fo­re, each identity is, from childhood on, considered that, in­trin­si­cally self learn to con­trol and ex­trin­si­cally self learm to navigate, and fair attuned to all the other local and long distance drivers in the world

Every human being has the right to self-determination about his or her own men­tal and physical operating system, provided on a righteous, themselves and others not da­maging way attuned to others.

Elze's picture

2.1.3. The right to participate

Every birth is a renewal, whether it relates to a human being, animal or other cre­a­ti­on. Considering that every second anywhere in the world a few babies are born, then renovation isn't that new. For those [in dutch also split in the genes (de-ge­nen)] who are accustomed from birth on seize maximum space on our ko(s)­mic(al) fa­mi­ly-planet however, every new­comer is a threat that must be combated tooth and nail.To them goes the say­ing: the fewer souls, the more joy. It is these da­go­bert ducks with their generations handed neutrino-needs to bound­less space ex­pan­si­on, who spread panic because there are so many new­comers who join in. Who want violently end up newcomers; with all its destructive consequences. In con­trast are the donald ducks who sow panic because the dagobert ducks extend their identity space so narcissistic. To them goes the saying: the more small-min­ded souls conform, the more po­wer... to provide atomic counterweight to the des­truc­ti­ve effects of all tho­se dagobert ducks in the world. But those [also: the genes] who want obstruct inno­va­ti­ons are just as figh­ting a losing bat­tle as those [losing battle genes], who will combine in­no­va­ti­ons to a conformistic powerblock of significance, for newcomers and in­no­va­tors will keep on coming and going, whe­ther they are malignant or not.

If we, by selfishness, conformism and aggression, want to prevent des­truc­tion of a part of the identities, and a Basic Input-Output System [BIOS] that is righteous and withstand imbalance, then - as a complex com­po­sed iden­ti­ty amidst other iden­tities - we have to make a righteous Basic Input-Output Sys­tem' that can put limits to all those unrestrained proliferating grousers in the world. Then only in this way the mental and fysical space is devided righ­te­ous. To get just sy­ste­ma­ti­zed knowledge we need to make a fair network of fair main-information and this for recycling recording in a fair internal and ex­ter­nal me­mory, then only so we ha­ve the knowledge-resources to be a fair functioning human being.

The human being is one of the numerous operating systems that requires a fair con­nec­ti­on between righteous software information [main program] and fair hard­wa­re resources [body-process]. But to perform the program of the family head fair, a righte­ous skilled business bo­dy is necessary, that has fair expectations and that, under the righ­te­ous integrating driving and coordination of the family-head, can perform such that way that a fair functioning unit is occuring. For that a bu­si­ness network is necessary which is profided with enough in­for­mation, interface-op­tions and memory capacity, to generate a fair know­led­ge connection between information, resources and main-coordinator and bu­siness-body.

Each person has the participation-right with his or her own mental and phy­si­cal operating-system to be a part of the larger whole that is known as [cos­mic] world-society, if in a righteous themselves and others not da­maging way.

Elze's picture

2.1.4. The right to speak

To be a righteous operating system the head is responsible for the coor­di­na­ti­on of the righteous desires of all aspects of mind and body, and this, as a BIOS basic information, recording and linking to what the memory with fair in­formation and know­ledge can and the heart with processor resources on a righteous way is do­ing. Because....

A righteous identity system can only generate a fair connection between head [soft­ware] and body [hardware] if the main program owns a fair start­up-pro­gram [the Basic Input-Output System], the electronic network a fair in- and ex­ternal memory and the processor fair instructions and know-how.

To act in the spirit of a fair head-identity, the body-identity must both pos­sess the righteous instructions, registrations, roadmaps and export op­por­tu­ni­ties as able to make a fair assessment, calculation and timing to perform the task properly. Then a righteous individual is functioning only if all the righteous elements have the abi­li­ty to attune the instructions, roadmaps and output ca­pa­bi­li­ties as a righteous operating and coordination system.

Each person has the right to speak in order to carry out his or her opinion and in­sights in the way that suits him or her, if in a righteous self and others not da­ma­ging way.
