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2.1. Identity & operating system

Eve­ry hu­man be­ing has the right to be a self-­cho­sen iden­ti­ty in so­cie­ty. An identity that, as an operating system, governs it­self intrin­sically and ex­trin­si­cal­ly dis­se­mi­na­te that, provided on a fair, themselves and others not damaging way, attuned to others.

Elze's picture

2.4. Human interaction

Mental autonomy means intrinsically continuous weigh and choose what you want, can, do and who you are and want to be and how you that – regardless of how others react – on yourself and others not da­ma­ging way, communicate, negotiate, attune and co-op­erate with others.

Elze's picture

2.2. Personal development

Everyone, from young to old, gets the opportunity to discover and de­ve­lop, whatever he or she wants, can does and who he or she is or wants to be, on the condtion of not damaging themselves and others.

Elze's picture

2.3. Research & education

Everyone gets locally and inter-urban, from young to old, the opportunity to do research and to develop creative and business projects in their own way and at their own pace.

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