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2.4. Human interaction

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Mental autonomy not only means intrinsically know what you want, can, do and who you are and act accor­dingly, but also be responsible yourself how, to what extent and in what way you communicate, attune, negotiate, and co-operate with others. Means thinking about and define how you want to deal with others. how you can deal and are dea­ling, how others deal with you and others, and how you, on a yourself and others not da­ma­ging way - what your con­cerns - can make that the best possible.  

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2.4.1. Communication

Strictly speaking, communication is not more than the transport and acceptance of information. Both intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsically as internal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, from one brain centre to another and vice versa. And extrinsic as external communication, from one individual to the other and the other way around. It is up to each in­di­vi­dual how logically and reasonable he or she internally ana­ly­zes, structures, select and communicate the available in­formation,. How logically and reasonable the incoming information in it is processed or is excluded. And whether and how it is passed on to others. In other words, how logically and reasonable the information and thought pat­terns are constructed and how visible for others.

To progress your internal and external communication without conflicts, logicallt systematizing and rea­so­na­ble com­mu­ni­cating thinking patterns is required. Thinking patterns that take into account what is feasible now and what could be feasible in the long term, provided you meet certain con­di­ti­ons. Intrinsically conditions as

  1. a ranking of yourself and others not damaging wishes in the long and short term,
  2. a roadmap for the long and short term,
  3. good time- and energy ma­na­ge­ment,
  4. self-critical and self-correcting ability,
  5. self-discipline,
  6. ability to concentrate,
  7. perseverance and
  8. can logically and reasonable [continue to] deal with setbacks.

Thinking patterns can be reasonable and unreasonable, social and selfish, con­struc­ti­ve and des­truc­ti­ve, realistic or imaginative. Develop or transform a thought patternit into a self and others not da­ma­ging living culture requires:

  1. Understanding and being aware of where your thinking pattern ends and an­o­ther's begins.
  2. Able to make distinction between what you want and what others want.
  3. Self-criticism of realism and feasibility what you want, can, do and who you are.
  4. Self-control and righteous self-guiding to lead that in a yourself and others not da­ma­ging direction.

Mental autonomy over your thinking patterns, choices, control systems and insights means:

  1. not only intrinsically verifying and knowing what you want, can, do and are, but also in­ven­to­ri­se how rea­so­na­ble or unreasonable you handle yourself and others. How you communicate nonverbally and verbally. How much effort you do to understand the be­ha­vi­our, motives and thought patterns of yourself and others. How much empathy you have developed and want to develop. How much and what you expect from yourself and others. And how rea­son­a­ble and not da­ma­ging it is. Is also just correct where your thought patterns and actions are not logical and rea­son­a­ble and da­ma­ging to yourself and/or others.

  2. Is also verifying, identifying and analyzing to what extent others intrinsically know what they want, can, do and are. And how reasonable or unreasonable they deal with themselves and others. How they communicate non­ver­bal­ly and verbally. How much effort they do to un­der­stand the behavior, motives and thought patterns of them­sel­ves and you and others. How much empathy they have developed and want to develop. How much and what they expect of themselves and others. And how reasonable and not damaging it is. Is also just dis­tan­ce and logical and reasonable corrections where the thinking patterns and actions of others are not logical and reasonable and damaging to themselves, you and/or others.

  3. Is also identifying and analyzing how much influence the will of others have in your daily doings. And how rea­so­na­ble you deal with it. How easy you get inspired by or identify with others [mirroring] and how easy you dissociates. And how. Is also verifying to what extent you want to leave it that way or correct.

  4. Is also identifying and analyzing how much influence the will of you and others have on the daily doings of others. And how reasonable you and they deal with it. How easily they get inspired by and identify with you or others [mirroring] and how easily they distance them­sel­ves. And how. Is also verifying to what extent they want to be alerted, want to to­le­ra­te or correct. And to what extent you want to leave it that way or will alert them.

Elze's picture

2.4.2. Attuning

How you make contact with and attune to others, you decide yourself. How others react is up to them. If you want a society based on

  1. intrinsic motivation without notable taking into account the wants and cir­cum­stan­ces of others, delivers a society where the will of the person with the most op­portunities for forcing his or her will [pharaotic / divine / capitalistic / com­mu­nistic / family] will be the law. Then your will and/or that of others in the shortest time will be crushed in dictatorial fashion and extrinsic overwritten.

  2. You don't want that? Do you want a society that is based on intrinsic mo­ti­va­tion, on a righteous, yourself and others not damaging way, attune to the intrinsic motivation of others? Then you have to start with it your­self. Re­gard­less of how others think and do. Then you have to look beyond short-sighted self-interest, set yourself and others not damaging priorities for the short and long term and negative consequences take into the bar­gain.

Righteous attuning you do

  1. intrinsically by attuning your wishes, thinking patterns, actions and identity on a yourself and others not damaging base [mo­rals], and

  2. extrinsically by your not damaging base [moral] close to attune in to all those with a similar reference point, to a [more] detached or very aloof to all those who have made selfishness and damaging to the starting point.

Selfish attuning is

  1. intrinsically you wishes, thought-patterns, actions and identity attune to the principle: take as much as pos­si­ble advantage of the opportunities, whether damaging or not, and

  2. extrinsically build a wall or an impenetrable barrier around you, whereby no­ted that attuned a little less de­ta­ched on all those with a similar selfish prin­ci­ple, and very aloof to all those who righteousnesss and non-damaging made to the starting point.

Open and closed attuning

  1. Righteous attuning is an open attitude / culture based on mutually give some­thing without that there is a "quid pro quo" mentality. Information and know­led­ge is freely shared [open source operating systems, internet, library, volunteer work, etc.].

  2. Selfish attuning is based on unilaterally arrogate without doing anything in re­turn, or based on a 'quid pro quo' in a closed setting of egoists among them­sel­ves. Information and knowledge is only for themselves or a spe­ci­fic group, as long as confidentiality and other conditions has been accomplished [fa­mi­lies, friends, re­la­tion­ships, businesses, elite groups, religions, cultures, secret al­liances, criminals, etc.].

Elze's picture

2.4.3. Negotiation

Both individual and group-related, there are, indoor and outdoor, all kinds of tasks to accomplish. Every child from an early age learns to take care of themselves. Toileting, clothing, organizing things, give and take necessities, cleaning, etc. The child wants it itself and later on can and does it so. But not everything that the child can do, does it li­kewise. After all, it decides self what he or she wants to do. What he or she don't like he just doesn't. But if the other don't like it either nothing happens. And then the manipulator / negotiator comes on screen: 'would you do this for me, than I will do this for you' or, 'do you get that from me'. Or, 'if you me or us let do that, then you get that', or,' I or we will do that for you'. And there you are with your reasonable and unreasonable considerations. Because, what at first may be a reasonable question or an attractive offer, may have disastrous consequences for yourself and/or others in the long term. Especially if it becomes a habit. And after that a culture. A culture with all sorts of tasks and castings for men and wo­men, old and young, rich and poor, powerful and powerless and leaders and co-workers, who must bring and keep all this into line. 

Structurally, another lets do something, in exchange for a reward, namely has as a con­se­quen­ce.

  1. no experience in doing things on its own, therefore
  2. continuously be dependent on others, therefore
  3. continuously needs to keep and reward friends, therefore
  4. continuously busy with gathering payments.

Because another lets do something in exchange for other pursuits, delivers one-sided experiences for both parties. In other words, to barter are many snags, be­fo­re you know it, you've fallen into a un­scru­pu­lous trap. Therefore you would do bet­ter to negotiate with foresight and a righte­ous con­scien­ce.

Please know with whom you are negotiating. Its bad bargaining with egoists. How beautifully they may occur, and how many promises they do, eventually they have one goal, which delivers me the most.

In a yourself and others not damaging society, people, animals and nature can't be expressed in value, but their services.

Someone who wants to be reasonable and just, only negotiate if it's ethical, because that's the only way you act righteous and reliable.

Someone who wants to be reasonable and just, doesn't negotiate on the cutting edge in order to get the most out of it, but because of the value of something.

Someone who wants to be reasonable and just, can not be bribed, does not participate in favoritism and accepts the economic, social and relational con­se­quen­ces of ethically responsible actions.

Someone who wants reasonable and just, have no hidden agenda, don't play double games and only develops an open, honest, not damaging, righteous culture with righteous partners.


Elze's picture

2.4.4. Cooperation

If you - as an individual [with all your parts] and as a group [with all members] - wants to work intrinsically, you have to align your goals, capabilities and activities accurately. This requires compliance, planning, timing and reliability.

  1. With a starting point that is based on justice and not damaging yourself and others that condition can be full­fil­led. Because you can only co-operate just if you wants to be fair as an individual and as a group, your want turn into righteous com­pe­ten­ces, and your com­pe­ten­ces turn into doing righteous.

  2. With a selfish starting point that is only possible if it gives a lot of advantage individually or as a group. If not then an individual holds the soon as seen, and the group falls apart. So, with a selfish principle a "produce the most benefit" is the most reliable. With the consequence, both internal and external ongoing competition to achieve that benefit, because that is not the only thing that egoists binds together, but also drives them apart.

Just and selfish cooperate:

  1. In a fair, each other not damaging world, every individual, group and continent has the op­por­tu­ni­ty to develop the will, knowledge and skills, to work and live together, on a righteous, themselves and each not damaging way. It is up to individuals, groups, regions and continents themselves whether and to what extent they want to make use of it, on an righte­ous, not damaging way.

  2. In a selfish world, it is normal that everyone has constantly struggle to gain the most benefit.

Only if choice, knowledge and skills works righteous together, the personal, familiar, cultural and secular iden­ti­ty gets chances foothold. In other words, only if the intrinsic will, will be converted into incentric knowledge and extrinsic skills, the individual, the family, the culture and the world gets the eccentric opportunity to be an, self and others not damaging, identity.

Every intrinsically motivated individual who, regardless of what he or she is done

  1. makes do with what he or she has,

  2. on a yourself or others not damaging way continues to think and do and communicate,

  3. others, where necessary, clearly warns but let them make their own decisions and choices, and just - wher­e­ver possible - intervenes to foreseen and un­fo­re­seen ca­la­mi­ties, 

  4. distances themselves with logical and reasonable arguments of those who claim and enforce unjust and da­ma­ging be­ha­viour,

is a reliable contact that - despite possible differences of opinion - let others in their value, thought patterns and lifestyle and only on a, as minimal as possible damaging way, interferes where he/she or others are likely to be da­ma­ged.
