How you make contact with and attune to others, you decide yourself. How others react is up to them. If you want a society based on
intrinsic motivation without notable taking into account the wants and circumstances of others, delivers a society where the will of the person with the most opportunities for forcing his or her will [pharaotic / divine / capitalistic / communistic / family] will be the law. Then your will and/or that of others in the shortest time will be crushed in dictatorial fashion and extrinsic overwritten.
You don't want that? Do you want a society that is based on intrinsic motivation, on a righteous, yourself and others not damaging way, attune to the intrinsic motivation of others? Then you have to start with it yourself. Regardless of how others think and do. Then you have to look beyond short-sighted self-interest, set yourself and others not damaging priorities for the short and long term and negative consequences take into the bargain.
Righteous attuning you do
intrinsically by attuning your wishes, thinking patterns, actions and identity on a yourself and others not damaging base [morals], and
extrinsically by your not damaging base [moral] close to attune in to all those with a similar reference point, to a [more] detached or very aloof to all those who have made selfishness and damaging to the starting point.
Selfish attuning is
intrinsically you wishes, thought-patterns, actions and identity attune to the principle: take as much as possible advantage of the opportunities, whether damaging or not, and
extrinsically build a wall or an impenetrable barrier around you, whereby noted that attuned a little less detached on all those with a similar selfish principle, and very aloof to all those who righteousnesss and non-damaging made to the starting point.
Open and closed attuning
Righteous attuning is an open attitude / culture based on mutually give something without that there is a "quid pro quo" mentality. Information and knowledge is freely shared [open source operating systems, internet, library, volunteer work, etc.].
Selfish attuning is based on unilaterally arrogate without doing anything in return, or based on a 'quid pro quo' in a closed setting of egoists among themselves. Information and knowledge is only for themselves or a specific group, as long as confidentiality and other conditions has been accomplished [families, friends, relationships, businesses, elite groups, religions, cultures, secret alliances, criminals, etc.].