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2.3. Research & education

Elze's picture

Knowledge is  the structuring of information. To promote research and innovation everybody gets - on condition of not  damaging them­selves and others – from the cradle to the grave the op­por­tu­ni­ty to do individual or collective research and - via a local or inter-urban innovation platform - the possibility to turn constructive ideas into creative and business projects.

Elze's picture

2.3.1. Exploratory research


  1. Every young and old[er] individual must be given the time, space, resources and opportunities to do "scientifically" exploratory research.

  2. Each individual, from an early age on, needs to investigate, in a righteous, themselves and others not damaging way, how you learn to want something just by yourself, to be able to, to do and to be.

  3. Each individual, from an early age on, needs to investigate, how he of she best his or her will can attune on the will of others, in a righteous way, at the right distance, without damaging themselves and others.

  4. Each individual, from an early age on, has to get the opportunity to keep an eye on the world around him or her, with the open mind of a newborn newcomer, to observe and to investigate whether someone is or conceivably wil be damaged.


  1. Every village and city-centre will get research-centres where individual and collective research-projects can be set up [see Housing / Spatial planning].

  2. On the Internet, on a separate to open location, Internet-research-centres will be set up, where also everyone can contribute to the best of ability, or can suggest and explore ideas or hypotheses.

  3. The various amateur and professional research-projects and conclusions are bundled on a separate Internet location, scientifically verified, examined, tested, coordinated and categorized.

  4. Scientific research-centres [universities ao.] will monitor and investigate - in addition to their own research - the most remarkable or excelling investigations and/or hypotheses of the various amateur and professional projects and conclusions again.


  1. Every young and old[er] individual, from an early age on, must be given the time, space, resources and opportunities, to position themselves righteous in the world around him or her.

  2. Every young and old[er] ndividual must, on condition of not damaging themselves and others, be given the opportunity, to intrinsically discover new ways to make and maintain the world more righteous, more livable, better structured and more enjoyable.

  3. Every young and old[er] individual must, on condition of not damaging themselves and others, be given the time, space, resources and opportunity, to design new creations and products.

  4. Every young and old[er] individual must, on condition of not damaging themselves and others, be given the time, space, resources and opportunity, to introduce and set up new ideas and products into the world.


  1. Every village and city-centre will get innovation-platforms where knowledge and ideas are transformed into creative and business projects.

  2. On the Internet also innovation platforms are opened, on separate locations, where everyone, to the best of ability and ideas, can contribute to new creative and business projects.

  3. Scientific research-centres [universities ao.] too will get innovation-platforms where knowledge and ideas are transformed into creative and business projects.

  4. On UN / government level is an umbrella platform where all information, knowledge and ideas from various research platforms are bundled together. The findings of independent investigators – who with their findings will be ad­mitted by a, for this purpose, separate created point of contact – will be taken along in this. The results are fed back to the various innovation platforms, research-centres and independent investigators.


  1. Science is the organizing of the hypotheses, theories, regularities and systems of knowledge and information. Scientists should focus more on attuning and structuring of all available knowledge about the entire world and collect it in a publicly accessible database on the Internet.

  2. Do scientific research isn't acquire a status position by building brainless on the findings and opinions of [on a pedestal pushed] previous scientists and playing statistic games for economic and political power games, but has to be based on [renewed] own study, based on hypotheses for the benefit of common interest.

  3. Scientific research must be and remain independent. They may not be linked to economic, political or educational interests. However, they can – on independently conditions - make a contribution to this.

  4. Scientific research may not be based on a narcissistic game. You're only a scientist if you under any circumstances, ethically justified, ie. non-damaging, honest, fair, trustworthy and not targeted be engaged.on power, prestige and money.

  5. Scientists must be given all the time and means to do good research. With good research is meant:

    • analytical approach to and in-depth examination of existing facts and historical and modern claims and assumptions.

    • chronological ranking

    • rational argued hypotheses,

    • meticulous summary and conclusions based on the points a, b, c

    with the aim of:

    • acquiring and transmit of insight

    • collect verifiable facts,

    • to draw logical conclusions,

    • to draw rational and well-considered connections and logically structured conjunction with verifiable facts and / or hypotheses from other disciplines.

Research projects

  1. Neutrinos rush through everything. Question is to what extent neutrinos could form a kind of 'graphene-like' network.

  2. Since time immemorial, there are all sorts of mythological stories about some form of life after death. Life forms that could affect the daily life of man. You should do what the dead wanted. The proverb "of the dead nothing but good' refers to this. This led to the ancestor worship, various religions, cultures and what not. This is no different today. It is up to science to disprove the theory of life after death. That is only possoble if they take this theory really seriously and investigate thoroughly. And this for the following reason: suppose that there is indeed some form of life after death that can affect our lives, that can be either positive or negative. Anyway good to know. Forewarned is forearmed. Therefore, scientists have in a collective project, to do physical, neurological, and biological-psychological research, in the field of the relationship between body and mind on one hand and between near-death experiences, coma experiences, media experiences, the temporal-parietal junction and the doppelgänger perceptions on the other side. An important part of this must be scanning of the brains of mediums et al, in the temporal-parietal junction regarding doppelgänger perceptions.

Elze's picture

2.3.2. Education-principles

Learning opportunity: Learning is not a duty but an opportunity to develop yourself - on condition of not da­ma­ging - to the one you want to be. This can be, from the cradle to the grave, whether at home, in development cen­tres as in educational institutions. The spatial design is - as well at home as in development-centres and edu­ca­tio­nal institutes - based on stimulating yourself and others, mu­tual­ly righteous attuning and cooperation.

Constructive: The atmosphere has to remain positive constructive focused on what someone wants to be able to and al­ready can. Parents, teachers, adults, children and others who intrinsically and/or ex­trin­si­cal­ly are do­mi­nating and destructive or frustrated, have to be temporarily or permanently remote out of the group.

Sincere. Giving apprciations where it isn't true or seriously be meant, or offer negative reviews for rea­son that others like that, and/or relational, material and/or socially gives benefit [favoritism], is harmful; there are with arguments and disgust distance taken from.

Reasonable: Transfer of information and contacts are made on the basis of reasonableness, honesty, justice and res­ponsibility. With that is openly distanced from and a argued postulate made against un­rea­son­able­ness, dis­ho­nes­ty, negativity and iegoism.

Elze's picture

2.3.3. Education-route

The basic-education consists of four levels: 1. investigate, 2. structurie, 3. regulate and 4. present. This is based on my 4-phases-theory. On my hypothesis that the rational and emotional life of a human being is founded on and evolves according to the development of four phases of nine months. Together, this is called the 1st period [three years / 4x9 = 36m]. These four phases, which are a repetition of the nine months before birth, intrinsically are taking place in every individual and extrinsic, as part of a family / group in the small world at home and the big world outside. Together they form an “I want, I can, I do, I am” development in an individual, social, responsible and independant evolving process. [for more information, see Books/4-Phases theory and Vision 2.2].

Investigate. This is the inventors approach. The routes are set up as specialized la­boratories. Here we investigate the will of themselves and others.

Major periods: 0-9 m. / 0-3 yr. / 0-6 yr. / 0-12.yr. / 0-24 yr.

Structure. This is the scientific approach. The routes are set up as individualistic re­search-centres. Here the infor­ma­tion and knowledge of themselves and others is struc­tured.

Major periods: 9-18 m. / 3-6 yr. / 6-12 yr. / 12-24 yr. / 24-48 yr.

Regulate. This is the organization approach. The routes are set up as a multi-disciplinary or­ga­ni­za­ti­ons. Here, the do it yourself and not harmful attuning to others are automated.

Major periods: 18-27 m. / 6-9 yr. / 12-18 yr. / 24-36 yr. / 48-72 yr.

Present. This is the presentation approach. The routes are set up as holistic iden­tities. Here the degree of being self-con­scious are being controlled and pre­sen­ted.

Major periods: 27-36 m. / 9-12 yr. / 18-24 yr. / 36-48 yr. / 72-96 yr.

Elze's picture

2.3.4. Education-method

The current basic, medium and higher education system will be replaced immediately by a scientific measure-­made education-system for every age and level, from very young to aged, analogous to the range of thought of Maria Montessori.

Children and adults are arranged in small groups, based on preference, interest, cooperation-projects and level. High, average and low talented and age are just as intermingled as in a family.

On the condition of, now ánd in the future, not damaging yourself and others, each person gets both at home, at school, in development centres and elsewhere, from birth the opportunity to do "exploratory research" in their own way, to discover and organise their own interests and with that start activities and form an own opinion and identity.

Parents, teachers, caregivers and other educators are simply observing and coa­ching guides that provide sufficient space, information and knowledge resources, and eye on not harming them­sel­ves and others. They observe the interests and knowledge of the child or adult, and offer them the material that goes with it. It is up to the child or the adult if they lend an ear on it or not. They interfere with reasonable ar­gu­ments and explanations when someone is damaging themselves or others mentally, phy­si­cal­ly or otherwise. For exam­ple, 'since others are not doing what the concerning person wants. "Or manipulative making misuse of being smarter or dumber than others. For example, 'since others or they themselves don't understand it any­way'. Or will not understand because un­der­stan­ding not only offers opportunities but also brings responsibility with it.

Forcing others to conform and make com­pro­mi­ses are others, based on selfish 'lo­gic', mostly with trojan re­sour­ces, manipulative pushing to follow your wishes [whe­ther or not sup­ported or pushed by others]. One of those tro­jan re­sour­ces is talking others in­to a feeling of guilt and threa­te­ning with anything and everything, if they don't do what you, or you and others want. This is identity-da­ma­ging and the­re­fo­re intolerable and must be curbed with rea­so­nable arguments. Both with respect to

  1. adults to children,
  2. lea­ders to ci­ti­zens, co-workers, students, fa­mi­ly-­mem­bers and group-­mem­bers,
  3. children to adults,
  4. citizens, co-workers, students, family-members and group-­mem­bers to lea­ders
  5. mu­tu­al­ly, between leaders, adults, citizens, co-workers, students, fa­mi­ly-mem­bers, group-­mem­bers and child­ren, as
  6. from one cul­tu­re and group to another.

Extrinsic expectations, requirements and tests can undermine intrinsic expectations and motivation. Especially du­ring the construction of the intrinsic awareness, ex­pec­ta­tions and motivation de­ve­lop­ment, caution is advised. Also later stages of life shows how much extrinsic [culture] expectations, the intrinsic still overgrow and un­der­mi­ne.

Children naturally explore and test themselves constantly and let it then show to others [look at what I can do....]. This process will be stimulated, by children from an early age on, let formulate commands to themselves [now I want .....] and that let themselves perform and evaluate [whether and what has going well and what not]. And if all is well to reward themselves, for example with a homemade 'diploma'. If wanted [or increased that far], they can, un­der the watch­ful eye of others and/or teacher, let judge others [whether or not with a 'diploma']. And..., learn to discuss that [where the child agrees and where doesn't]. This process of self-analysis forms the basis for the rest of their life. Adults who haven't de­ve­lop­ded this process in youth or haven't learned it well, will be still, at will, gui­ded and coa­ched to get this process mastered. 

The process of self-examination is constantly expanding with an increasingly scientific approach, complete with hypothesis, observing, experimental and concluding re­search, and reporting and pre­sen­ta­tion.
