Learning opportunity: Learning is not a duty but an opportunity to develop yourself - on condition of not damaging - to the one you want to be. This can be, from the cradle to the grave, whether at home, in development centres as in educational institutions. The spatial design is - as well at home as in development-centres and educational institutes - based on stimulating yourself and others, mutually righteous attuning and cooperation.
Constructive: The atmosphere has to remain positive constructive focused on what someone wants to be able to and already can. Parents, teachers, adults, children and others who intrinsically and/or extrinsically are dominating and destructive or frustrated, have to be temporarily or permanently remote out of the group.
Sincere. Giving apprciations where it isn't true or seriously be meant, or offer negative reviews for reason that others like that, and/or relational, material and/or socially gives benefit [favoritism], is harmful; there are with arguments and disgust distance taken from.
Reasonable: Transfer of information and contacts are made on the basis of reasonableness, honesty, justice and responsibility. With that is openly distanced from and a argued postulate made against unreasonableness, dishonesty, negativity and iegoism.