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3.2. Nature & living environment

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The world has to be livable and safe. This means that humanity must renovate the earth that way that every individual can develop themselves in the way that suits him or her best, without damaging themselves or others .

Elze's picture

3.2.1. Earthly responsibility

Living together on planet earth means also altogether care for the viability and sustainability of it. Since humanity disposes the most development opportunities, the [now] about seven milliard [billion] people on this earth collective are responsible for the design and maintenance. The UN/government is the by citizens designated authority to de­sign here a plan of action and care about the implementation of it.

Starting points in the plan are:

  1. On the condition of not damaging themselves and others, de­ve­lop­ment op­por­tu­ni­ties for human, animals, plants and orga­nisms.
  2. The living space systematically reviewing and redesigning, with observance to [the need for] personal and cul­tu­ral boundaries [see 4.2.2/2, Edward T. Hall].
  3. Everyone personally and collective guarantee the implementation and maintenance.
  4. Under scrutiny and review, set conditions on products, services, [re] actions and cultural attitudes and habits who jeopardise the quality of life, society and cooperation.

The UN/government is the by citizens designated coordinator of the implementation of the institution and main­te­nan­ce of planet earth.

Citizens - both severally and collective – are responsible for its implementation.

Elze's picture

3.2.2. Earthy measures

Thanks to the human being the planet has reached a substantial low. To fix this, the following measures are necessary:

  1. The air must be purified literally and figuratively.
  2. Deserts has to converted into green oases.
  3. The jungle and other forests have to be replanted and landscaped where necessary.
  4. The oceans, seas and rivers must be stripped of all junk. 
  5. Everyone must, in a themselves and others non-damaging way, learn to cope with the mental and physical boun­daries of themselves and others.
  6. The humankind must quit with creating all sorts of junk, and dump down and swing into the cos­mos.
  7. Energy have to extracted only from not humans, animals and environment damaging resources such as sun, wind, water and biomass recycling.
  8. There must be carefully and sustainably dealed with water and food supply.