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3.4. Art & culture

Art and culture will be a just as important time-factor as work and care. Therefore – on the condition of not damaging themselves and others – everyone becomes two days a week the oppportunity to transform choices, know­led­ge and skills, in a self chosen way, into artistic creations and cultural events.

Elze's picture

3.1. Work & care

Everyone is, according to his ability, both responsible for themselves and, pro­por­tio­na­te­ly, co-res­pon­sible for caring for a themselves and others not damaging world-society.

Elze's picture

3.3. Economic affairs

There will be a socio-economic transformation of the world-order taken place so that every world ci­ti­zen is assured of a fair unfolding basic-life. Including the right to a basic income, basic education and basic health care.

Elze's picture

3.2. Nature & living environment

Humanity take all obstacles for a long-lasting living away and structures the earth that way that phy­si­cal, mental and creative collisions are preventable.

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