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3.1. Work & care

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From the right to self-determination and participation in a liveable world, every individual, is, according to his ability, both responsible for ta­king care of themselves, as pro­por­tio­na­te­ly, co-responsible for the care of a liveable, themselves and others not da­ma­ging world-society.

Elze's picture

3.1.1. Individual responsibility

Adulthood brings many res­pon­si­bi­li­ties with it. First you need to search, find and furnitture a place to live, and buy clothing, food and other things. Then you have daily to cook and weekly to wash, clean, gardening, do-it-yourself jobs, and so on. And besides that you still have your societal res­pon­si­bi­li­ties. That means con­ti­nual­ly weigh and choo­se what you want, can and first and afterwards will do and how you attune that with your environment and others. Because once you're officially an adult, you are personally responsible for the choices you make and the way you at­tu­ne that to others.

Also in friendships and re­la­ti­on­ships you make choices. Choices you do better good to think about, as friendships and establishing re­la­ti­on­ships namely creates obli­ga­ti­ons. You are more in­ten­si­ve­ly involved with the wishes and pursuits of the other and must attune both interests properly, with­out wrong one another.

  1. Starting a friendship or re­la­ti­on­ship with an egoist means starting a friendship or re­la­ti­on­ships with someone who just does or wants to do what he or she wants.

  2. Starting a friendship or re­la­ti­on­ship with an [whether or not consciously stra­te­gic] con­for­mist, means starting a friendship or relationship with so­me­one who mirrors like a chameleon to the environment and only wants what for him or her important others are wanting.

  3. Yourself having no feelings of consideration with the wishes of others, but nevertheless wanting a friendship or re­la­ti­on­ship, means expecting from the other one that they mirror your will. In other words, that they make their wills subordinate to that of yours. Which means having un­rea­son­a­ble demands yourself and expecting from friendships or re­la­tion­ships that they tolerate un­rea­son­a­ble desires. And with that being un­rea­son­a­ble itself, as well in relation to them­sel­ves as to you and others.

  4. Your will [consciously or not for strategic reasons] subordinate to [potential] friends, relatives and others, means your wishes pres­sing to the background [ccons­cious­ly or not, whether or not because you yourself have learned that in your child­hood, or forced to do so] and that of others placing in the foreground. Which means harmful to yourself and undemocratic behaviour play into the hand. And therefore un­rea­son­a­ble, both in terms of yourself and towards others.

  5. Not being reasonable yourself and starting friendships or re­la­ti­on­ships with people who also are [or wants to be] un­rea­so­nable, means, either strike up a fighting [whether hidden or not] over who is or may be the most un­rea­so­na­ble, or close deals to who, when and how may be un­rea­son­a­ble. In all cases, the reasonableness tastes defeat.

Every adult is responsible itself for the way he or she participates in the ffa­mi­ly/­cul­tu­re and world/­so­cie­ty/society. Even as they are selfish, conformistic, violent and [manipulative] dictatorial.

 Every adult is responsible itself for the consequences of his or her choices. Even if there is little or no thought about or [for some reason] is copied. Also, if we let ourselves be influenced or bullying by the family and others. The consequences of our conscious and unconscious choices can never, ever be shift on to others. Even if we later on re­gret.

  1. The consequence of starting a friendship or re­la­ti­on­ship with an egoïst means con­stant­ly keep the likes of another in mind without receiving anything in re­turn, because an egoist is only in­te­res­ted in themself and his or her per­for­man­ce, appearance, wishes and dis­ap­point­ments. If that one don't want cer­tain things or don't like that, he or she just does not do it and let it 'just' to others. If that other person there - whether with ar­gu­ments or not - [still] set li­mits on, distances themself or disconnects the friend­ship or re­la­ti­on­ship, the selfish is or angry if not infuriated, or is immediately looking for a new victim, or blackmails the other[s] with pettiness, 'help­less­ness', self-pity and slander ['look what that person did to me'].
  2. The consequence of starting a friendship or relationship with a [wether or not conscious stra­te­gic] conformist means friendship or relationship with a chameleon; you never know what the other person wants itself. He or she does the one time what you want, the next time what his or her family wants, then what his or her col­lea­gues and bosses want, then what his or her [other] friends want, then what societies, religions, political par­ties, cultures or the general opinion of con­for­mists, led by the media want, and when there are children, what their kids want. To satisfy all of them, he or she usually makes a combination of it and then says that it's his or her identity to do what others want. And then be sick of it or com­plai­ning that no one is paying attention to his or her, that he or she is so busy doing what another want, that he or she never does what he or she wants itself, that don't know any more, or can't choose because there will be always someone whom might want something different. 


Elze's picture

3.1.2. Collective responsibility

Living together brings all sorts of tasks and responsibilities along with it. Both on a personal level indoors as at a social level outdoors. If we want to create society just and peaceful, we will need to start with it, indoors on a per­so­nal level and socially act to that, because the alignment at home is reflected in society and in reverse. In other words, what you intrinsically like, you have to carry out extrinsically. Both verbally and non-verbally, mentally and physically. [Not to confuse with all these external ideas that you've mirrored in the course of time, verbally and non-verbally and otherwise internalized and automated].

Living together means together ensure that we both, everyone on his own and together, can develop in a way that fits with each of us. This is true both at a in­di­vi­du­al level and on a world scale. As the many conflicts on individual and global level shows, is that not that easy yet. It requires a logical, rea­so­na­ble, [self]critical and empathic thinking skills, the desire to attune own priorities in a rea­so­na­ble way to those of others and the assertiveness to expect the same from others. Otherwise you create, whether in­vo­lun­ta­ry or not, egoists and elitist behaving groups and cul­tu­res who think pharaotic rights to keep in, and a lot of slaves, who has to refurbish the 'dirty work' they themselves have no desire to.

Sharing a house means that both partners each take up half the home-garden-kitchen tasks. If one of them does not make sense to perform certain tasks and want you to pay for it, you give it - assuming no­ne of that for you - without strugglling or enforcing, verbally your review and distance yourself non­ver­bal­ly with disgust. If necessary, if nothing changes, by severing the relationship, because main­tai­ning a relationship with someone who does not want to be or become reasonable, or is constantly coming up with all kinds of excuses, is a relationship to continue with a selfish personality who claims an elitist positon and dictates others to remove the tedious chestnuts out of the fire.

Sharing a house with children means that each parent - at least the first three years of each child - at least two days a week stays at home [so together four days a week]. The fifth day the child comes to the nursery, where it also has the opportunity to interact with other children, a group and other adults. From the third year until the sixth year the child will gradually increase to preschool [kindergarten]. Work outdoors is attuned to this. Also in the following years the tasks indoors and outdoors is carefully matched.

Elze's picture

3.1.3. Societal tasks

To make and hold the earth and society liveable, there are a lot of tasks to perform. Just like home even these tasks are not always fun or interesting. Since it is - just like home - unjust and damaging to leave the less pleasant tasks to others, also the societal tasks are as much as possible evenly distributed. As much as possible on the basis of interest, abilities and sense of responsibility.

For a pleasant life without unhealthy stress, a good balance between work, care and individual development is re­qui­red. For this reason, working in part-time jobs will be facilitated as much as possible. Work-activities will be as much as possible arranged in part-time positions. Where socially necessary or desired - temporarily or otherwise - ad­di­tio­nal work can be done. 

Everyone is entitled to at least 2 days a week work. Where possible pleasant jobs and to the needs and abilities appropriate.

 Work can be done by payment of standard money or volunteer money. Standard money is money that has been prevalent in circulation [Dollars, Euros, etc.]. Volunteers money is a similar system that has the same value as the Euro. 

Temporary or permanent work-activities is, on the condition of not damaging themselves and others, in writing and/or oral registerd and/or agreed and paid in cash or voluntary standard money.

Adults are economically seen as self-employed without employees. For all activities [on world-scale] is the same minimum wage of € 15, - per hour. In two days of work, based on an hourly rate of € 15, - per hour, they earned € 240, - per week. This is [according to 50 weeks] € 12 000, - per year. Along with the basic inkomen`is this an income of € 24,000, -. Together with a ditto working partner this is a combined income of € 48,000, -.

Elze's picture

3.1.4. Healthcare

Where people can't care [any more] for themselves and need a helping hand, help it is only given when everything has been tried and it really fails. 

 In physical problems must always be looked at what still can. Likewise in mental problems.

Many mental problems have a physical origin or effect and many physical problems have a mental origin or effect. Most doctors, however, are hardly trained in the relationship between body and mind and do psychosomatic com­plaints [connection between physical and mental problems] as being 'between the ears', 'will pass'. Many com­plaints, however, can be traced back to stress. Stress slurps vitamins and minerals and put people in such a way that each exercise is too much. Prolonged stress can lead to various diseases. Different eating and living habits [otherwise deal with stressors and a good vitamin and mineral balance] and regular healthy exercises appear to reduce a lot of physical and mental problems in no time, or to remove. To enable doctors [including nurses] to draw ap­propriate links between mental and physical origin and effect, and reverse, psychology and knowledge of vi­ta­mins and minerals, stress and lifestyle have to represent a much more important part of medical education. In psy­cho­lo­gi­cal training, vitamins and minerals, stress, lifestyle and medical connections have to anchored better.

On General Practice Services standard  a doctor, psychologist, nutritionist, phy­si­o­the­ra­pist and nurse have to be present at.
