Definition right of existance: Right of existance means that everyone – on condition of not damaging yourself and others - as well has the right to operate and evolve the way he/she wants, as has the right to interact reasonable and cooperate and live pleasant together.
Definition legal protection: Legal protection literally means protecting the legal status [Dutch dictionary: Van Dale]. Legal protection guarantees the existence of every individual [see 7b], and guarantees legal right protection, if that existance in any way will be jeopardized.
Definition morbid behaviour:
People who develop and utilse their talents to: 1. belittle, 2. thwart 3. exploit, 4. eliminate / destroy others.
People who morbid - ie. damaging - behaviour of others, are tolerating, supporting, or else – whether or not with sadomasochistic pleasure – are undergoing apathetic or victimized.
People who [try to] create habits and a culture on the basis of morbid behaviour.
People who don't develop and utilise their talents, or else are damaging, or develop and exploit it for the sake of their own morbid behaviour and/or the morbid behaviour of other individuals, groups and [politically organised] cultures.
Definition threatening of right to existance:
If fulfillment is made impossible.
by individuals, groups or [politically organised] cultures
by natural disasters
by calamities
by mechanical failures
If one is not able to – in a yourself and others not damaging way - to save themselves, to defend and/or to find new ways/opportunities to maintain the right to existance..
because one is totally isolated and no contact is possible.
because one is caught in a situation where they can not get out on their own.
because everything has been destroyed and there are no means to survive.
because one is threatened with death.
because - eg by narcissistic regulating housemates and/or compatriots ['let me do that' – 'you can not'] - the self-rescuiing capability is not or not sufficiently developed.
because one - eg due to a dominant culture [the 'we can do that better regulators'] has not learned to respond flexibly to changing circumstances.
because they have not learned in a creative/inventive way to achieve maximum impact with minimal resources.
because the own ratio is dominated by feelings and emotions of themselves and/or others.
because mentally, physically and/or materially the proper resources are missing.
because the analytical and/or decisive expertise is insufficiently developed or represented.
From egoism to humanism:
The homo sapiens believes, like the narcissistic mirror-image of an African-pharaohtic deified ancestor-history, conformistically to may dominate about every living thing. The result is known. Billions of sapiens who, from generation to generation, have letthem saddled up with a selfish superego. Who have made a narcissistic-conformistic Über-Unterego culture of it [Ubermensch – Untermensch] and that with inhumane violence anarchisticallyis defendingand dictatorially impose to the next generation.
With as a result, a sapiens world full of man-ape-like split personalities that anyone who does not submit to the interests of the biggest egoist-s(and) group, foist a huge guilt-complex. Because in a selfish family world you just 'may'be the master or the servant of the boss, if you respond imitative, even if your intrinsic set of ethics gnaw so hard, because you inherited genetically sense of justice / the right skill feelings, but aren't allowed to listen to that from yourself and/or others. For fear of the family-societal consequences.
With as a result, you just create what you fear, because many small egotïsts form a large egotists hiërarchy. With all its consequences. Namely, for unscrupulous personsis someone without self-criticism and someone who has adapted themselves to the Über-Unter culture, wrapping up with beautiful promises, a breeze and a perfect target. Before you know it you also stepped into a selfish family-fyke.
And there at the same time the lever is located, from egoism to humanism. For a true humanist namely firstly weighs the question: is what I want now or in the future reasonable and not harmful to myself and others? In other words, am I culturally independent enough to be self-critical and self-disciplined enough to make reasonable choices, no matter how unreasonable others react [on that]? Because a reasonable person don't cultivate but inspires you to think about what is reasonable and what is not, and many small reasonable humanists make – voluntarily - one big humane family-society.... which provides legal protection in a reasonable way to everyone who needs it.
Conditions of the right to existance:
The right toexistance stands or falls with a humane-righteous structured family-society
And that stands or falls with the humane-righteous behavior of its members.
And that stands or falls with themselves and others non-damaging personalities who have righteousness intrinsically in their humanitarian operating system. Who, with the limit of not damaging yourself and others as a standard, self examine, weigh and differentiate what they think is right and wrong and how they want to act accordingly.
And that stands or falls with the self-critical and self-corrective capability of the members of the family society. To what extent they can see their own interests and those of others in the right proportions. To what extent they are aware of their own thinking and doing patterns, try to understand those of others, and will set reasonable limits on themselves and others in a empathetic and helpful way; both as individuals alone and collectively as a family-society-culture. Then only so we are able, without influence and control from outsight, to do justice to the right of existence of everyone.
Conditions of legal protection:
Don't damage yourself and others constitutes the intrinsic base of each member of the family society, then only so there is enough room for everyone and only so minimal rules and commandments are required.
Each member of the family-society feels intrinsically responsible for and contribute individually and collectively to create and maintain a livable and viable earth with everything and everyone that is on and in it.
The establishment of laws and regulations structures the family-societyas such, that everyone in a humanely, yourself and others not damaging way, both can evolve function and create individually, as can work together and cooperate, play together and being a teamplayer and being together and gathering with others.
In a humane, yourself and others not damaging way, being alert to counteract and prevent selfishness. Because egoism leads to irresponsibility, to insensibility to others and hypersensitivity to themselves and self-interest. And with that to dichotomy, to narcissism and conformism. To greedy [and so] power-hungry leaders and envious followers who refuse to take into consideration with others than those in which they have an interest in; who have declared manipulating, intimidating, sabotagingand indoctrinatingto positive qualities. For so is mankind since its inception harassed to either lead the brainwashed role-playing-life that egoists prescribe, or – whether or not voluntarily – to end up death. In this way the homo sapiens has wrapped up everyone into a jungle of rules and commandments, whichare be kept in a hierarchical cultivated selfish mode, from generation to generation.
Possible help to restore right to existance:
As long as the homo sapiens as an adolescent man-ape communicates and from generation to generation that pharaohtically cultivates, we don't have to expect much more wisdom, help and legal protection than from its African tyrannic ancestors. Even though it is anchored in sapiens law and regulation, between human-rights words and humane-righteous deeds stands adolescent indoctrinating man-ape behavior. We will have to have it from those who are capable of and have the chance to transcend the anarchistic tyranny of the homo sapiens on reasonable grounds.
All those whothe anarchistic tyranny of the homo sapiens on reasonable grounds are transcended, will be on (inter)national and/or individual initiative: 1. people who are missing, 2. are innocent imprisoned, 3. are in unlivable situations or 4. are threatened with death, asap bring into safety and help to build a new life. Asapmeans by aircraft and other fast transportation. Safety means in those areas where a humane-righeous democracy prevails and they are be welcome.
All those who the anarchistic tyranny of the homo sapiens on reasonable grounds are transcended, willasap help all those people who are mentally, physically and/or socially not capable [any more] to build a themselves and others not damaging existance, to do it itself [again].
All those who the anarchistic tyranny of the homo sapiens on reasonable grounds are transcended, will those who 1. disregard the well-being of others, 2 others, openly or sneaky, with sadistic pleasure, undermine or allow undermining, regard as mentally ill and approach and treat.them as such.