Supportive Power: [public emplyees]. The supportive power is the actual executive power. She is the by the Governing Body appointed and controlled executor of government policy. At the end of each quarter she will be accountable to the governing body about the state of affairs and her findings. She has both all kinds of variable as some fixed recurring tasks and has to observe thereby the following:
Organisation, co-operation & attunement
Each government, department, organisation or group is a compilation of individuals that must be merged to a fair and logical and reasonable functioning and cooperating unity, by the for that purpose appointed leader.
Any temporary or more permanent grouping, if it's a cabinet, department or research institute or else a semi-state business, educational institute or cultural organisation, is considered as a more or less oversized family organisation.
A government, department or otherwise can only function, cooperate and attune righteous as each 'family member' is given the freedom and space to perform his or her duties in a not damaging way.
Cooperation and attuning needs to be and remain a pleasure, not a [betting] battle. Each member separately is co-responsible for that.
Research & statistics
For a good insight and overview the for that entrusted section of the supportive power, makes periodically in the name of the UN/government a inventory of the current and future needs for knowledge.
For a good insight and overview the for that entrusted section of the supportive power, makes periodically in the name of the UN/government a inventory of the available knowledge, skills and activities.
For a good insight and overview the for that entrusted section of the supportive power, groups periodically, in the name of the UN/government, the corresponding need for knowledge and skills and converts this to the existing knowledge and skills.
For a good insight and overview the for that entrusted section of the supportive power, groups periodically, in the name of the UN/government, the corresponding surplus of knowledge and expertise and compare it with the need for work and preferences.
For a good insight and overview the for that entrusted section of the supportive power, makes periodically, in the name of the UN/government, tha inventory of the unfulfilled need for knowledge, skills and work-activities.
For a good insight and overview the for that entrusted section of the supportive power, makes periodically. in the name of the UN/government, a inventory of the unfulfilled preferences in terms of work-activities and knowledge and skills.
For a good insight and overview the for that entrusted section of the supportive power, selects periodically, in the name of the UN/government, supply and demand, based on an ethically responsible mindset.
For a good insight and overview. the for that entrusted section of the supportive power, attunes periodically. in the name of the UN/government, the unfulfilled preferences, work-activities and knowledge and skills where possible.