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4.1.1. Basic rights

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Right to choose    On condition of not damaging themselves and others, every in­di­vidual has the right to make, to manifest and to live up to its own choi­ces. As part of the society each identity has the right to make cultural and political choices, if not damaging to themselves and others.

Self-determination right    On condition of not damaging themselves and others every individual has the right to self-determination and right of say over itself. As part of the society each identity has the right of co-determination on com­mon affairs, if not damaging to themselves and others.

Participation right    On condition of not damaging themselves and others eve­ry individual has the right to both, on self-chosen [not damaging] way par­ti­ci­pa­te in and contribute to position and humane developing of the world society, as others – via family law, edu­ca­tion law, employment law and public law – nominate in order to perform, control and maintain, on his or her behalf, managing and/or sup­por­ting tasks. 

Right to speak    On condition of not damaging themselves and others eve­ry in­di­vidual has the right to shape and pronounce an personal opinion. As part of the so­ciety each identity has the right on voice on common affairs, if not damaging to themselves and others.

Identity right    On condition of not damaging themselves and others eve­ry in­di­vidual has the right to be a self choosen identity with own preferences and choi­ces, self choosen [pre-] values and way of living, self choosen interests and ac­ti­vi­ties, and self shaped views and presentations of all that.

Group right    On condition of not damaging themselves and others eve­ry in­di­vidual has the right to create a family, group, organisation, culture or [political] party, to­gether with others, and as such – as a group-identity – to go public, if... on a voluntary basis and the fundamental rights of each individdual se­pe­ra­te­ly not will be violated. [By – whether or not via [the course] manipulation, brain­washing, pres­sure, [and/or] under the title democraty, that is 'self' choo­sen – based on a 'to­gether we stay strong, together we can beat others' motive, create a law of the jungle majority.

Information right    As well on condition of not damaging themselves and others, as on con­di­ti­on of identity-right and protection-right, every individual has the right on that information, which he or she considers necessary, and/or want to sup­ply; whether or not in the interest of creating and maintaining of them­sel­ves and others not damaging individuals and a ditto world-society. It is the res­pon­si­b­li­ty of every individual and group themselves, to investigate to what extent these in­formation is founded on veriable facts and to what ex­tent on presumptions, interpretations, maipulations, and fantasy or lies.

Protection right    On condition of not damaging themselves and others, or only to damage as little as possible, every individual has the right to protect both them­sel­ves and others, if they are jeopardised. It's the responsiblility of every in­di­vi­du­al themselves to be alert for and, if it's all posible, preventing of potential risks, nature disasters, agressive reactiona and calamities.