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4.2.6 Controlling reactions

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Controlling self-critical reactions
humane and egoistic
Life is action and reaction. The question is just how.
In the beginning there were the sensory perceptions* in the upper-head [chief], from these came the mental ideas, conditions and codes of conduct in the interbrain, which turned out to be the basis for physical behaviour, habits and rituals in the brain-stem and that was the starting point for the reticular networking nerve leader to regulate the un-conscious reactions autonomously in the desired orbits in the spinal cord*. To shape your mental ID(ea), via your physical entity, independently, as your ID entity.
And then the attunement to other (ID)entities began. And the problems, because many of them had right-of-the-strongeest IDs. With the result that - with the help of your Formatio Reticularis, who as a right-of-the-strongest nerve-leader automates everything autonomously - from the very beginning of your birth, you became manipulatively subordinated to one and became part of others. 
There you stand thalamic with your original ID(ea). Completely overruled by your internal network in the right-of-the-strongest outer world that (un)consciously reorganizes your network in the inner world. In other words, all your - whether or not forced - adjustments to what you perceive sensory intrinsically and extrinsically can be seen as a boomerang in your physical system. And if you are not careful, they poison your ideas, conditions and codes of conduct as well. Are you completely immersed in the sapiens. See that to undo that.
We are a sensory id-entity amidst other sensory id-entities. Just as we respond to others from our ideas and conditions, others respond to us from theirs. Do you, no matter how others react, react humanely to the reactions of others?
If so, investigate the consequences in the short and long term for you and others and where you draw the line.
Every now and then: investigate the short and long term consequences for you and others and your credibility.
If not, investigate the consequences in the short and long term for you and others and whether it is you worth it.
Do others in your network, regardless of how you and others react, react humanely to the reactions of you and others?
If so, investigate the consequences in the short and long term for you and them and where you and them draw the line.
Every now and then: examine the consequences in the short and long term for their credibility.
If not, investigate the consequences in the short and long term for you and them and whether it is you worth it.
Your - whether or not mentally developed - ideas, conditions and codes of conduct in your interbrain are constantly confronted with old and new sensory information.
Are you aware of how humanely or selfishly you intrinsically and extrinsically react to [intrinsic and extrinsic] sensory information? If not, think about it, put the outcome in a tabular overview, determine to what extent this is desirable or not and adjust your reactions in the desired form. If so,
Do you just allow that information that suits your mental set and dump the rest out?
Do you welcome all information with open arms but do you only apply what suits your situation?
Do you welcome all the information with open arms and adapt your mind to it?
Controlling self-critical reactions
humane and egoistic
Just as your ideas, conditions, and codes of conduct in your interbrain are a mental reflection of long-term thinking based on short-sighted information from the upper-brain, so your behaviours, habits, and rituals in the brain-stem are physically a reflexive rebound of it in the short term.
For short-term observers and implementers, a century takes an eternity. That is precisely why they linger in short-sighted behaviour, habits and rituals. Are your reactions based on short-sighted self-interest?


If so, find out where that came from, whether that is what you want, what you can and want to do about it, and whether that is fair.
Every now and then: investigate when you do and when you don't, if that's what you want and if not, what you want and can change and if that's fair.
If not, investigate what your reactions are based on, whether you want to and can change something about it and whether that is fair.
Are the reactions of others in your network based on short-sighted self-interest?
If so, find out what their reactions are based on, how you want to respond to that and whether that is fair and responsible.
Every now and then: find out when you do and when you don't, if that's what you want, how you want to react and if that's fair and responsible.
If not, investigate what their reactions are based on, how you want to react and whether that is fair and responsible.
Tell me who your network was and is and I'll tell you who you've become. In this way we could define the importance of choices on how and with whom to network reticularly. Because the devil is in the reticular tail. In the spinal cord- dancing nerve-leader that [doesn't] see a tail*bone* in it to let the sensory information from the outside inward move forward, by thalamically communicating how to process and represent it - in the long and short term - and ponsy [pons/bridge of Varolius] to balance between own and strange reactions and medullary alerting you that you can also beat off and stab if necessary.
Has your familial and societal network had a decisive influence on your ideas and conditions and your way of reacting?
If so, investigate to what extent this is what you want, if you want to change something and if so what, and put this step by step into practice.
Every now and then: investigate to what extent you have had a hand in this, if you want to change this and if so what and put this into practice.
If not, investigate to what extent you have influence on others, if you want to change something and if so what and put this into practice.
Controlling self-critical reactions
humane and egoistic
A large part of our reactions goes nonverbal. As early as our inception we evoke intentional or unintentional reactions. After that it turns out to be a small step towards consciously giving and receiving signals. First in the womb, later outside. Some are desirable, others undesirable. Gradually we learn to understand, interpret, communicate and react better and better. We learn to make clear what we want and what we don't want. When what and who is damaging and when what and who is not. We learn how to set boundaries and which path we want to take and which we don't. We learn what others want and don't want. How, what and with whom we agree and how, what and with whom not. Learn to work together and to keep our distance and to make and keep agreements.
Are you aware of your nonverbal reactions?
If not, investigate your moods and the cause of them, observe how you look and move, link this together and see how others react to it. Then answer if yes.
If so, investigate how humane, selfish or ostrich-like these reactions are, how you deal with them and how you want to deal with it in the near future.
Are you aware of the nonverbal reactions of others?
If not, examine their moods and the cause of that, observe how they look and move, link this together and see how you react to it. Then go to if so.
If so, investigate how humane, selfish or ostrich-like these reactions are, how you have dealt with it and how you want to deal with it in the near future.
As soon as we independently go the reticular way from head to tail and vice-versa, we have to deal with - whether or not unscrupulously grouped - network rules. From historically common-law incurred and/or consciously created agreements about how we now and in the near future deal with each other and transfer information and otherwise and under under which conditions.
Are you aware of the - from historically incurred and/or consciously created - network rules of yourself and the network of which you are a part of and/or were one?
If not, list in a tabular overview what your network rules were and are and what those of the network you are part of and then go to if so.
If so, investigate how humane and/or selfish these network rules are, how you have dealt with them and how you want to deal with them in the near future.
Controlling self-critical reactions
humane and egoistic
The - whether or not unscrupulously reticulated - network of which you are part of functions (un)consciously as an intrinsic nerve leader. To speak in the terminology of Freud, as a superego who, like a Father Familias, sits centrally in your interbrain to rule - via the constant pons bridge of Varolio* - Über your Ich, [and that of other family members] and to dictate you - with the help of thalamus ideas - 'Gyrusale' conditions.
Are you aware of your nonverbal reactions to the [nerve] leader of your network group?
If not, examine your moods and the cause of them, observe how you react and to what, what and how you signal, link this together, see how the [nerve] leader reacts to it and go to if so.
If so, investigate how humane, selfish or ostrich-like these reactions are, how equally, submissive or combative you are and have dealt with them, and how you intend to deal with them in the near future.
Are you aware of the nonverbal reactions of the [nerve] leader of your network group?
If not, examine his or her moods and the cause of them, observe how he or she reacts and to what, what and how he or she signals, link this together, see how you react to that and then go to if so.
If so, investigate how humane, selfish or ostrich-like these reactions are, how equal, submissive or combative you deal with them and how you want to deal with them in the near future.
Cultures are - whether or not unscrupulously communi(sti)cating and regulating - networks that among themselves and towards others provoke habitual actions and reactions and respond to them.
Integer Competent Acting networks/cultures create trust and activate to co-operate in a yourself and others not damaging way.
Inventive Competitive Acting encourages to Superego-centric networks/cultures that trigger submissive and frozen reactions and [then] provoke combative and fleeing reactions from which the Superego-centric [nerve] leader may reap the benefits and Es/Ich may/must absorb the blows.
Are you aware of your nonverbal reactions to the network rules and habits of your and other networks/cultures?
If not, investigate the motivation of network rules and habits, observe how you react to them, link them together and see how networks/cultures react to you and then go to if so.
If so, investigate how humane, selfish or ostrich-like your reactions are and what the cause is, what the actions and reactions of the networks/cultures were and are and how you want to deal with them in the near future.
Controlling self-critical reactions
humane and egoistic
The great example of how Inventive Competitive Trading [also: Actions] initiates Superego-centric networks and cultures is homo sapiens. The homo sapiens has made a micro-organistic creation of themselves. A visible version of a virus - that is neutr(in)al to violence DADness  - and a bacterium that submits itself a(u)tomatically, under the murmur/guise/mom: 'do not judge lest* thou be judged', 'those who exalt themselves will be humiliated* but those who humiliates themselves will be exalted'.
A manic-depressive ÜBER-ICH version of a sadomasochistic father and son in hourglass format. A bacteriophage habit-man [creature of habits] with a janus head that doesn't make the world any wiser and not a millisecond fairer. On the contrary, not only do they compete with each other for life, they also vent their frustrations about their intrinsic wrangling also unanimously by jointly going to war against the ES, Freud's Energy streamlining child of the bill.... as a sadomasochistic outlet.
Only a homo-sapiens can come up with something like that. Because once we were an Energy Streamlining child and many of them are getting older and then you can use those energy flows just well. But in the cultural network of the homo sapiens you don't get much wiser of it. They're just wasting it.
Are you wasting your energy on similar habits?
If not, make a tabular overview of what you have achieved and how and to what extent that was damaging to yourself and others.
If so, make a tabular overview of how often and why, examine your arguments and consider whether you want to continue this way.
Intrinsic motivation* based on [thalamic] independently developed ideas, goals and conditions leads to pleasure in implementing them, a high degree of concentration, a sense of self-esteem and pride in the result and more creativity. This is a thorn in Superego's eye because they cherish the idea of being the best. Therefore, they do everything in their power to make that happen and to keep it that way.
Can you continue to react and function in an intrinsically motivated way in the above manner if you both internally, from memories and habits, and externally, with Superego-centric methods, are bombarded with aggressively manipulating and competing signals, counteractions and boycotts?
If not, list in a tabular overview what the consequences are, what the price you paid for it is and how you dealt with it.
If so, list in a tabular overview: what it has cost you mentally, physically and societally and what it has yielded.
Controlling self-critical reactions
humane and egoïstic
Right-of-the-strongest supporters try to outdo [potential] competitors by using extrinsic rewards and sanctions to extinguish intrinsic motivation and make it 'harmless'. From there it is a small step to the creation of addictions, reward management and battles, obsession, overconfidence besides lack of self-esteem, fatalism and hate and envy instead of pleasure and assiduity. Result: caterpillars-never-ending who are eternally at odds with themselves and each other.
Are you easy to influence with extrinsic valuations, rewards and all the rest to you and/or others?
If not, list in a tabular overview how others have dealt with it and how you have reacted to it and see if you want to change anything about it.
If so, examine your intrinsic motivation, how you value it, how others judge it and to what extent you let yourself be carried away by malicious intentions of others.
According to genesis 1:26 [bible] we day in and day out are confronted with dictatorial 'over the earth and everything that lives in it, on it and above it' ruling homo sapiens. The sapiens-family tackles the thalamic whole-heartedly. The result is a right-of-the-strongest species with violent DAD cultivated genes and a Superego-centric heart that doesn't want to eat [know] anything from the pedigree of knowledge of good and evil, because if you have ''nichts gewusst' [known nothing] you are not responsible for anything either. Can you let your father's sin(s) flow gene-eralizing over your earth without a cock crowing or a hen cackling at it. Because they will be careful, they know what they have in their midst. What kind of thalamic ideas gyrusal [fore]fathers keep in and what kind of gyrusal conditions are set on thalamus ideas.
Our [thalamic] long-term ideas are intrinsically reticularly constricted by the extrinsic short-term conditions and rewards of [gyrus cinguli and] others. How do you respond, do you intrinsically set aside your long-term ideas and goals for extrinsic short-term conditions and - whether or not divine - rewards [to be, become and/or remain the ruler of all that lives, for example]?
Controlling self-critcal reactions
humane and egoistic
The easier you are to influence with extrinsic appreciation, rewards and so on,
the further away you get from your intrinsic motivation and pleasure,
the more dependent you become on extrinsic motivation and pleasure,
the more you be fed up and fight if you don't get what you want,
the more short-sighted you become,
the longer you linger on combative habits and heavenly rewards,
the stronger the one who rewards you and others,
the more customary rights for the one who rewards you and others the most and the longest,
the more divine his or her pedestal.
Under the motto the example of a divinely appreciative IDentity does follow divinely IDentic, the homo-sapiens transformed extrinsic appreciations, rewards and so on into a divinely customary right, and then put it on a right-of-the-strongest pedestal. Did you and/or do you find extrinsic appreciations, rewards and so on important?
If not, put in a tabular overview how many extrinsic appreciations, rewards and so on you have had since you were young, how you reacted to them and whether you would react like that again.
If so, put in a tabular overview how many extrinsic appreciations, rewards, and so on you have had from an early age, whether that was sufficient in your eyes and how you reacted to that.
How do you value and reward others? Think about when, how and under what conditions you value and reward others. And where your limits lie. What is still acceptable to you is what is not. And what you turn a blind eye to. Do that for individuals as well as for institutions, organisations and governments; from the past and the present. Put the results in a tabular overview.
How do others in your network - environment value and reward you and others? Think about when, how and under what conditions they value and reward others. And where their limits lie. What is still acceptable to them and what is not. And what they turn a blind eye to. Do that for individuals as well as for institutions, organisations and governments; from the past and the present. Put the results in a tabular overview.
Observe yourself in your daily thinking and acting, how you value and reward others. What you find acceptable about yourself and what you don't.
Observe others in your network environment in their daily thinking and doing, how they value and reward others. What they find acceptable and what they don't.
Observe how dependent you are on valuations and rewards. What happens to you internally and how you behave if you don't get the appreciation and reward you expect.
Observe how dependent others in your network - environment are on appreciations and rewards. And how they act when they don't get the appreciation and reward they expect.
Controlling self-critical reactions
humane and egoistic
The homo sapiens has continued the micro-organistic tradition by making of extrinsic valuations, rewards and so on a beastly right-of-the-strongest means of power, and to cultivate that as sapiens common law and to qualify it as divine evolution. But someone who identifies and interprets evolution as right-of-the-strongest conditions for survival as the fittest lives in illusions.
Individuals who use right-of-the-strongest methods are losers. After all, there is always boss over boss, [divine] parent over [divine] parent, [devilish] beast over [devilish] beast, organism over organism, element over element and [combative] cooperation over [combative] cooperation. Even though you play, in accordance with many themselves and others religiously worshipping dictators and dictatorships, in a 'divine' way Platonic ostrich and you know of the Socratic prince no harm when it suits you, the right-of-the-strongest reality does not become less manipulative damaging.
However [reticular] captivating their pathetic success stories may be, individuals who look no further with their ideas and conditions than their own [group] interest, may in the short term have success [under the guise of 'it will take my time'], in the long run they will lose out en masse, like the extinction of the Dinosaurs and many others before and after them have shown.
For survival of the fittest is not about survival of those who are best adapted to [the right-of-the-strongest in] the environment, but about 'survival of the justist', the one who is attuned to themself and the environment in the most just and least damaging way, because that intrinsically costs the least stress and extrinsically the least struggle and thus the most chance of lasting pleasant survival with yourself and each other.
Do you respond intrinsically and extrinsically to yourself and your [network] environment in the most righteous and least damaging way?
If not, list in a tabular overview how you reacted in various situations and why and how others reacted to that.
Zo ja, zet in een tabelvormig If so, list in a tabular overview how you reacted in various situations and why and how others reacted.
Do the people in your network - environment respond to you and others in their network environment in the most righteous and least damaging way?
If not, list in a tabular overview how they reacted in various situations and why, how you experienced it and how you and others reacted to it.
If so, list in a tabular overview how they reacted in various situations and why, how you experienced it and how you and others reacted to it.
Controlling self-critical reactions
humane and egoistic
In the right-of-the-strongest culture of homo sapiens, the survival of the fittest enters into the Superego-centric struggle to boycott the Energy Flows of the survival of the justist, arguing that homo sapiens has sacrificed his intrinsic ideas and adapted them to combatants and is thus better and more divine than the intrinsically functioning and extrinsically informing hetero humanisimus, who distances themselves from that. 
Because they don't want to put energy in it, and fighting against Superego-centric windmills, carrying water to the sea is, that fight doesn't cut injustice but sets evil blood and shared injustice is double injustice, and talking is also moping with the tap open, because you can talk like a bridge man, that's grist to the mill of Superego's because they only have fighting spirit in their head, they want you to violate the truth and talk to their mouth and waste your time and energy.... on forgiving and forgetting, but that's futile effort.
In order to maintain and strengthen their right-of-the-strongest culture, homo sapiens have positioned a number of gen-ius measures in the brain. These are:
  1. Ideas: obstructing and boycotting intrinsic motivation [reticular formation - thalamus]

  2. Conditions:under the direction of the right-of-the-strongest network information not or selectively transmitting [formatio reticularis],

  3. Codes of conduct: valuing and rewarding of those [genes] who worship homo sapiens right-of-the-strongest network and maintain them combative [gyrus cinguli],

  4. Habits: with mental and physical means punish, eliminate and destroy those [genes] that function and react to others in a righteous, themselves and others not damaging way [epiphysis - blood-brain barrier - autoimmune diseases*].

Then by not providing and transmitting any or the wrong information, others have no or the wrong information to convert into intrinsically motivated knowledge. With the result, there is no reason for intrinsic self-esteem, self rewards and so on [unless they row with the possibilities they have] and no positive constructing and stimulating information for others, for that will be sabotaged anyway. 
So that no one can learn to function and react in a righteous, yourself and others not damaging, way. For only if everyone is focused on an external source [a right-of-the strongest source that only appreciates and rewards you when you compete with your intrinsic self, and only provides you with the information that fits into the fight against all that will be stronger: the intrinsic self of you and all those others] is the weakling the boss. 
The extrinsic who with false pretences tries to be the strongest. A false self for whom the extrinsic is merely a means to an intrinsic end. And that lies intrinsically informed within. 
Do you have identified yourself - whether or not out of survival motives - with the right-of-the-strongest adherents in such a way that you react autoimmune to your own intrinsic ideas and motivation and are combative towards people who have other ideas and conditions than deified sapiens?
If not, investigate the ideas of your network environment, to what extent you deviate from them and how safe you can live your intrinsic and extrinsic life according to your own ideas and conditions.
If so, investigate your motivation, its intrinsic and extrinsic consequences, and your possibilities to pursue in a yourself and others not damaging way based on intrinsically motivated ideas.
Investigate how you react mentally and physically when you have different ideas than others in your network-environment, and how you want to deal with that, and, where necessary, make a step-by-step plan to adjust that to your own wishes.
Investigate how you react mentally and physically if you have different conditions than others in your network-environment, and how you want to deal with that, and, where necessary, make a step-by-step plan to adjust that to your own wishes.
Investigate how you react mentally and physically when you behave differently from others in your network-environment, and how you want to deal with that, and, where necessary, make a step-by-step plan to adjust that to your own wishes.
Investigate how you react mentally and physically when you have different habits than others in your network-environment, and how you want to deal with that, and, where necessary, make a step-by-step plan to adjust that to your own wishes.
Investigate how you deal with your own lies, mistakes, harassments, sabotages and excluding others.
Investigate how you deal with lies, mistakes, harassments, sabotages and excluding others from others in your network-environment.
Investigate how you deal with lies, mistakes, harassments, sabotages and excluding others from others outside your network-environment.
Investigate how others in your network-environment deal with their own lies, mistakes, harassments, sabotages and exclude others.
Investigate how others in your network-environment deal with lies, mistakes, harassments, sabotages and excluding others from you and others in their network-environment.
Investigate how others in your network-environment deal with lies, mistakes, harassments, sabotages and excluding others from others outside their network-environment.
Controlling self-critical reactions
humane and egoistic
Righteous survival in a right-of-the-strongest world is no sinecure. After all, survival of the justist requires you to live and attune in a just way to the circumstances of your network-environment, and fairly row with the possibilities you have.
In a world that is sowing death and destruction to conquer a divine domineering position [to be the one who {like a} violent {DAD} submits others to themselves, who rewards and appreciates and gives you all kinds of favors if you do what he or she says, but enters into a ruthless battle with you if you don't] requires a lot of mind-breaking.
No wonder the brain pan of homo-sapiens has grown. Just not enough to make it a just society. That requires righteous people. Not to justify the misdeeds of the homo sapiens as they do purposely themselves, but in cooperation with other righteous people to Energetically shape and humane-righteous Streamline the ideas of hetero humanisimus about a righteous world.
Then from Superego-centric homo-sapiens who constantly want to rule ÜBER ICH ES only gets a malicious heritage account presented.
Constantly being hunted down if you don't do what the self deifying extrinsic wants takes its physical and mental toll. It takes a whole range of hormones and other chemicals to warn you, to give you enough energy and endurance, and to maintain and improve your memory capacity. The result is a whole range of warning signals that support your ideas and conditions. Can you, without being overwhelmed by them, deal with feelings such as fear, anger, sadness, joy, jealousy, envy, dislike/disgust and gloating of yourself and/or others in your network-environment?
If not, investigate how something`hits' you and why and how you deal with it, label it and put each 'common ground' in a tabular overview and then go to if so.
If so, investigate what its intrinsic and extrinsic effect is, whether it meets the goal, how others react to it and whether you want to change something and if so, what.
Can your network-environment, without being overwhelmed by it, deal with feelings such as fear, anger, sadness, joy, jealousy, envy, dislike/disgust and gloating of themselves and/or others?
If not, investigate how something 'hits' them and why and how you deal with it.
If so, investigate how they react, what the effect is and if that is what they intend to do.
Investigate how you deal with feelings such as fear, anger, sadness, joy, jealousy, envy, dislike/disgust and gloating. Both with your own, with those of others in your network-environment, and with those of others outside your network environment.
Investigate how others in your network-environment deal with feelings such as fear, anger, sadness, joy, jealousy, envy, dislike/disgust and gloating. Both of their own, with those of others in their network environment, and with those of others outside their network environment.
Investigate how others outside your network-environment deal with feelings such as fear, anger, sadness, joy, jealousy, envy, dislike/disgust and gloating of you and others in your network-environment. Both of their own, with those of others in their network-environment, and with those of others outside their network-environment.
By daily thinking about the reactions of yourself and others and how you and others deal with these, you can where necessary adjust in such a way that you prevent or minimize damage to yourself and others and achieve humane and righteous improvements.
Because a warned man counts for first thinking than doing, if you [following the example of Jesus, conform all those other [religious] father-worshippers] forgive* the [thinking] mistakes of Father Familias and his sapiens brood of vipers* as childlike* as the unawareness* of yourself and others, since you think you can gradually / guiding profit from them as much as Mater Familias and her followers. If you have not come to bring peace but, with a divine patriarchic sword*, to sow discord* between Paternalistic thinking and Maternalistic doing, then you hang. 
For it is childishly simple* to love the fool by saying, 'my name is hare', 'ich hab es nicht gewusst'. The 'poor' / arms of [the] mind* do benefit from it. After all, so they can do whatever they won't let. No cock that crowns to it or hen that cackles at it. Unless, of course, they want, like a paternalistic cock-the-first, claim the maternalistic kingdom of heaven on earth. 
For that is his. Of the unscrupulous habits [of cock-the-first and his servants] thus. That is why the thalamic thinking heart* of his Homo Sapiens henhouse is stowed so full of unscrupulousness that his gyrus mouth becomes viral in the process.
That is after all what you get from keeping the unscrupulous habits of Devilish Dimwits in Patriarch-Stand. Then you can only - under the guise of 'give to the unscrupulous what the unscrupulous is' - forgive the unscrupulousness of maternalistic mothers and their conformistic children and belligerentially worship those of paternalistic fathers.
For these are the consequences if you keep yourself foolish and consider yourself as small as a child, if it suits you. Then you are the biggest* dimwit in the kingdom of divinely unscrupulous 'heavens' before you have it in the beleaguered brainholes of the beastly grounded Sapiens family.