We do it every day, every fraction of a second again; both consciously and unconsciously: controlling. As experienced controllers, we control what we and others signal, structure and automate. And how. What we and others cultivate. And why. With whom we and/or others compete. And in what way. With whom and/or what we and others identify with. And to what level do we and others continue to do so....
In other words, whether we like it or not, we are constantly analysing, studying and verifying what we and/or others find and what we and/or others want or have to correct. And why. Only, what is our benchmark? And what is our starting position? What is our purpose in life? And through which lines should it go?
Say it... what's your gauge? What should your life be founded on, on righteousness or on the genetically-historically cultivated ideas, neutr(in)al conditions and mafiose codes of conduct and habits of bacteriophage a(u)tomating [fore] parents of a imperiously [litt. dubble meaning: Lord-S-sigh] controlling [fore] family-society?
Say it... what's your starting position? Do you want one and do the other? Not so surprising when you consider that from the very beginning we are dominated by the genetic-historically cultivated pre-views and pre-conditions of neutr(in)al electronicizing [fore] parents and there a(u)tomatically child-dependent on through-moleculiting [fore] families. That we to this day still reap the - whether or not more or less wry - organism-fruits from it.
What's more, a lot of people think there's no other way. That you are stuck in the genetic-historically cultivated pre-views and pre-conditions of an elementary neutr(in)alizing family society. That you have nothing to choose. That our genetic history, together with our current family-society, dictates a neutr(in)al framework to us and that at most we can choose how we want to colour the images in the near future [within neutr(in)al 'faded/phage' lines of course]. And in many rich and poor families - for religious, royal, business and/or private reasons - not even that.
In short, many people can and/or do nothing but [in 'their' way] colorizing righteousness in a family-societal unrighteous framework. Others take this for granted. Or choose to do so. Because it is 'natural', because it's convenient for them, because they want to be the strongest [of their kind and/or group], because they feel so safe. They say that one does not rule out the other. That the genetic-historically cultivated ideas and - at that time - contemporary conditions of viral [fore] parents and bacteriophage [fore] family are just-ified. That all their internal and external methods for reaching agreement and settling conflicts and dissolving them into nothing, today and tomorrow are just as justified as they were yesterday and in the past.
Well, it's just what you call just-ified. So many ID entities so many ideas. Some progenitors and descendants call it [righteous] to use manipulation, intimidation, blackmail and isolation or other kinds of ['nature'] violence to force others to comply with their cultural conditions. They want armed peace. Peace with [neutr(in)ally organised intruding] weapons achieved. They try with the genetic-historically cultivated methods of which history to this day is violently [in Dutch written as: geweldDADig] full of, to create and maintain a paradisiacal life with a new generation of familiairly educated and professionally politicized followers. Followers who hang their conscience as unscrupulously on the societal framework of the neutr(in)al family will-gene/willow as they have done. To the will of Socratic neutr(in)alizing progenitors who saddle descendants Platonic with the a(u)tomatically conforming poison-cup of 'their' tree of knowledge of good and evil. Who, if they already have eaten or drunk from it, have not learned anything righteous from it. They remain willingly and knowingly apethetic in that family-societal framework of neutr(in)al genes a(u)tomatically cultivating family-history. They choose to worship conformistly the neutr(in)al ideas, electronic conditions and a(u)tomatic habits of molecular ID entities. For so Socratesk's midwives neutr(in)ally imitating progenitor, so a(u)tomatically Platonic mirror-neuronic descendant isn't it. Whoever sows a neutr(in)al framework of Socratic viralising sperm-cell, will harvest electronically the Platonic coloured pictures of a(u)automatic bacterial mirror-neuronic egg-cells as 'phage/vague' molecular zygotes. Do you in no time have a neutr(in)al ostrich-society full of 'phage' organizing psychotics, who one by one feel themselves favorite, because they are a Platonic coloured conformist-picture in a Socratic Anarch-honoring framework.
Admitted, it's our starting position. Ever since the big bang, until today we are surrounded by a toxic neutral(in)alising family-society, but does that mean that your neutr(in)al starting position is at the same time also your a(u)tomatic goal [or should be because it is called 'natural' or 'respectful' for all those A-narc(h)-is(sis)tically] structured progenitors? Is that what you want?
Say it... what's your life purpose? Do you [or should you] want no more than just as Platonic mirror-neurontically keep repeating your starting position as all those Socratic poisoned progenitors have done before you? Is that your [or their] purpose? To be a genetic-historical part of a neutr(in)al ostrich-like family-society unit? Trapped in an unscrupulously grouped framework of mafiatic-cultivated family-business-politics?
What would you rather do, over the backs of others, [help to] create a mafia-like family-society that carries you and/or others on their hands, because you obscure and/or neutr(in)alize them and your dirty laundry in a Socratic way, but in doing so also place the responsibility for your life in the hands of an unscrupulous family-framework and as such form a conformistic cohabiting part of it? Or self-management, giving up your neutr(in)ality and managing your own life with an open mind and taking full responsibility for it?
What would you rather do, lay the reflectors of the mistakes and crimes of you and others in mafiatic neutr(in)alizing atomic waddles, but with that also take responsibility for their mistakes? Or have your hands free to face and repair your own mistakes and confront others [including both progenitors and descendants] with the responsibility for [the do's and dont's of] themselves?
Say it... what's your red thread? Which nerve/ous-sufferer guidelines do you want your life to run along? Or is the blood crawling where it shouldn't go?
My word-filler adds
blood-brain barrier*, which is applicable here. Wikipedia.nl/en teaches me that the bbb ensures that blood circulation and cerebrospinal fluid remain separated. This keeps the cerebrospinal fluid free of harmful substances. Only CVOs, or circumventricular organs - such as the epiphysis - at the edge of the ventricular system, which detect the concentration of various substances with window-like [endothelial] cells and pass them on to the hypothalamus, have an incomplete CVO.
Recent studies have shown that CVOs play an important role in the regulation of energy management. Diseases such as aids, alzheimer, epilepsy, meningitis, multiple sclerosis, sleeping sickness and parkinson's disease seem/appear to be related to this. They show signs of a damaged bbb. It is assumed that oxidative stress plays a role in this. According to 'mens-en-gezondheid.infonu.nl', oxidative stress arises by mental and physical stress and unhealthy lifestyles and resources. These provide a more than normal amount of reactive oxygen compounds in the normal metabolism. These so-called 'free radicals' attack molecules and genes and change their structure. This changes the charasteristics of the cell. As a result, the cell needs more and more energy and repair materials - in the form of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, etc. - to keep things healthy.]
Say it... where do you want to put your energy into?
Do you just want to control if everything and everyone fits into the cultural framework of your genetic history? Or do you want to investigate and control everything in a Socratic way and preserve the good in a just way?
Do you want that every generation becomes more naive and stupid, because they have to place the ideas, conditions, code of conduct and habits of previous generations of male and female ID-entities a(u)tomatically on a divine pedestal; and therefore not [be allowed] to think for themselves, but intuitively want [or have] to imitate the instinct of Socratic midwives a(u)tomatically in a genetic-historical way? Or do you want that every new generation becomes more self-confident and smarter than the previous generation, because they themselves think about good and bad developments and delineate their choices on righteous terms?
Do you want a divine framework full of toxic oxidising hierarchy rules that seems reasonably safe but turns out to be unscrupulously cold and calculatingly stressful when checked? Or do you want a righteous framework of humane self-management that empathically provides insight into a safe boundary and creative attunement in family-society? In other words....,
Do you want unjust standstill and oxidative decline based on genetic-historically cultivated peer-pressure and group-hierarchy? Or a voluntary cooperative growth process based on righteous self-management?
Say it... what do you want, conforming or individualizing?
Conforming means your ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits just as long adapting, refining and pasting with the ideas, conditions and habits of others, until you are accepted by that other or others.
Individualizing means developing and shaping your own ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits and that, as a self-designed Internal Design, connect to your entity - that is to say to something that really exists: your physical body, consisting of solid, liquid and gas - and that altogether as mind [ID] and body [entity] attune at the desired distance to other ID-entities.
In the conformistic case, your mind is a uniformity and your body - whether you like it or not - a genetic identity in itself, for each body has its own uniquely inherited characteristics, whether they are gene-ethically responsible or not.
In the individualistic case, both your mind and your body are an identity with its own - wether or not gene-ethically responsible - characteristics. Both choices have their pros and cons.
As a conformist you only can develop consistent ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits if you, from birth to death [and for those who believe in spirit-ed life atter death: eternally, or till further orders] keep mirroring [i.e. refining and pasting] to -wether or not genetic-historical- gene-ethically irresponsible 'people', who accept you on condition that you adjust your ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits to theirs and theirs are consistent [which is a contradiction in terms, for how do you expect consistency from a conformist-and-group, which is as chameleonic as [the satanically conforming family-framework of] the plague, after all. That one conforms even instinctively to nature; becomes icy cold [a stormy crying or screaming sunny] element with the elements and [a furious] beast with the [depressed] beasts].
For so they are never responsible for anything, their ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits are after all the narcissistic mirror of the conformist-and-leader, who is the mirror of the conformist-club.
As an individualist, you have retain your own ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits about it. These are either accepted because they have similar ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits, or tolerated because they also set ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits for acceptance, or ignored, if not trojans and openly manipulated, because you have your own [wether or not narcissistic] ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits - even if they are comparable - before the acceptance by others, or are sabotaged and dominated, because you place your own [wether or nog narcissistic or non-narcissistic] ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits above those of another individualist and/or individualist- or conformist group.
As an individualist, you develop your own ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits [unless you - just like the torah bible leader from Exodus 3:14 - under the divine narcissistic guise of: I am who I am, you don't want that, because you want to be and stay the damm consistent leader of a satanic conforming family-society.... of course]. Only with doing so you will be left with your own [wether or not narcissistically poisoned] ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits by your [wether or not narcissistic] self towards masses [wether or not narcissistically grouped] others, with other [wether or not narcissistically poisoned] ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits. [Provided that no other [wether or not narcissistic] individualists are on the same track and/or a group of conformists are using you as an individualistic founder [according to the word filler] of course. Such a divine paternalistic individualizing founder who honors the Platonic illusion that someone else unconditionally accepts his narcissistic ideas, under her damm maternalistic conforming conditions, and that artificial illusion-tone has cultivated into the 'good' customary law of the evil gen(i)us of the Roman family-society, for example].
As a conformist you form together, 'naturally' in conformity, because so you are never alone, you hardly have to think about it and you constantly ape. The only thing that concerns you as a conformist is whether you are accepted by the human beast-gang. That's why you just as long keep swabbing back and forth with your own ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits and/or polishing them up until it weighs one ounce. Or, in case you haven't developed your own ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits at all since your inception, you use the [whether or not narcissistic] ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits of others, as 'your' means, until you have reached your goal, which is to be accepted. And if you link yourself uncritically to the ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits of a consistently narcissistic individualist as a fundamentalist founder, you don't even have to do that anymore. Are you conformistly cast.... as Platonic contrived individualist-and-slave.
Because everything has its price. It's not all freedom that attracts. There are many hooks and eyes to the self-control of your self-management. Your chief [upperbrain/cerebral mantle] has your brains full of them. That's why it doesn't want to be disturbed. Therefore, it has largely outsourced your consciousness [reticular, according to the word filler].
reticular formation* is our centre of consciousness and alarm system; a network of interlinked nerve cells from spinal cord to the cortex, which - through the regulation of motivational processes, muscle stretching reflexes and the coordination of autonomous functions such as breathing, heartbeat frequency and pain experience - regulates our sleep-wake rhythm and gives our cortex [our upperbrain/chief] the opportunity to do its work undisturbed, unless direct action is needed, according to wikipedia.nl and menselijk-lichaam.com].
Does it do itself an imaginary big brain-favour with it: entrust your consciousness as much as possible to a reticular controlling nerve-sufferer-leader. Can that create the motorical habit of sensory information, via 'thalamus' filtering switching conditions, selectively inhibitory sending to the upperhead. A relief..., such servants who do everything for you that [you] don't like, thinks your individualistic minded upperhead/chief. Thinks your conformistically minded reticularis, because your upperhead/chief may then determine the specific motives for your motivational process control, since it is unaware of what it doesn't like, your reticular network will give it the motivational twist that it wants. Determines these - along with the reticularly twisted thermostat-knobs of thalamus that coordinates your sensory information and the reticularly influenced habits of the small brain-motor that regulates your movements - how much information is made available to your chief, in order to establish motivational motivations for individual ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits. Who can control you what.
However... what if the evil gen(i)us of the democratic family-society has made one big dictatorial conformist-camp, where everyone who doesn't want to hang his or her individual ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits immediately on the malevolent networking family will-gene/willow, or who unconditionally mutates in extrinsically conforming sensor habits, is beastly led to the mafiatic democratized family slaughterhouse?
And what if your reticularly conforming network does not want to know anything about toxic ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits in the genetic-historical family-society that are attacking yours and theirs?
What if you are supposed/placed far below to change your individual ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits in favour of a conformistic networking family-society, 'because most voices count in a democracy, and genetic dominants in a dictatorial family society...', teaches the - reticularly far-backward/ignoble, with the genetic-historical family-society networking- consciousness in a self-indulgent way.
What if thalamus signals a barrel of poisonous ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits of an evil gen(i)us that clash with yours, but your individualistic upperhead/chief finds it unpleasant to be disturbed?
And what if the most important thing in your life is [that your ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits] will be accepted?
What if thalamus signals a barrel of poisonous ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits of an evil gen(i)us that clash with yours, but your individualistic chief finds it unpleasant to be disturbed?
And what if the most important thing in your life is [that your ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits] will be accepted?
What if your ideas, conditions, codes of conduct and habits and/or network are not tolerated and structurally sabotaged and ruined, but no alarm bells ring, because you did not properly reticularise your formatio, meaning your development process, 'in the beginning', which is structured, which is instructed? Or they ring every now and then.... with the announcement that an imaginary war is raging in the tent? What then?
Say it..., what and how do you control?