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4.2.1 Controlling ideas

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Controlling self-management ideas
worthy and worthless
Life is compiling ideas. The question is which one.
There are valuable observations and worthless ones.
Can you remember which signals, ideas, conditions, behaviours, habits and reactions you found valuable from birth and which ones worthless?
If so, go in your mind back to the beginning of your life and create a table with worthy and worthless signals, ideas, conditions, behaviours, habits and reactions that you have had to deal with in the course of your life. Distinguish between the signals, ideas, conditions, behaviours, habits and reactions of yourself and those of others.
If not, create a table with signals, ideas, conditions, behaviours, habits and reactions that you now find valuable and worthless and check one by one how long you think so about it en where it started in your memory. Distinguish between the signals, ideas, conditions, behaviours, habits and reactions of yourself and those of others.
Can you distinguish between factual and fictional signals, ideas, behaviours, conditions, habits and reactions? If not, read the outcome and think about it on the basis of the various questions in self-management. If so,
Can you indicate which signals, ideas, conditions, behaviours, habits and reactions are a fact according to you and which fiction? If not, investigate that and put the result in a table.
Can you indicate which signals, ideas, conditions, behaviours, habits and reactions are a fact according to others and which fiction?  If not, investigate that and put the result in a table.
Can you indicate which signals, ideas, conditions, behaviours, habits and reactions are not a fact according to you but a hypothesis? If not, investigate that and put the result in a table.
Can you indicate which signals, ideas, conditions, behaviours, habits and reactions are not a fact according to others but a hypothesis? If not, investigate that and put the result in a table.
Can you distinguish between positive facts, fictions and hypotheses and negative ones? If not, read the outcome and think about it on the basis of the various questions in self-management. If so,
Can you indicate which facts, fictions and hypotheses you find positive and which negative? If not, investigate it and put the result in a table.
Can you indicate which facts, fictions and hypotheses others find positive and which negative? If not, investigate it and put the result in a table.
Can you assess the consequentes of the positive en negative facts, fictions and hy­po­the­ses? If not, read the outcome and thing about it  on the basis of the various questions in self-management. If so,
Can you indicate which facts, fictions and hypotheses in your opinion have positive and negative consequences for you and/or others? If not, investigate it and put the result in a table.
Can you indicate which facts, fictions and hypotheses in the opinion of others have positive and negative consequences for you and/or others? If not, investigate it and put the result in a table.
Controlling self-management ideas
worthy and worthless
Just by thinking about the previous questions we are in no time flooded with valuable and worhless observations. And just like in our early days we are dealing with observations that indicate or has indicated danger and security; on something or someone who is stronger and/or smarter than you and wants or seems to do harm and you development possiblities or – on the contrary – just give you all the opportunities and protects and warns you against all that threatens your continued existence. From all these observations we form ideas. Ideas about threats and opportunities.
Are you aware of how [easily] you turn your observations into threatening and promising ideas? If not, think about it.
Most of us cherish the idea of a valuable life in a safe [testicular and] uterine environment where you in a healthy way can develop into the individuality of your choice. A worthless sequel [as a result of a forced relocation for example] then falls raw on your birthroof. With the memory on a paradisiacal environment still fresh in you memory, you wrestle through the [spermatically] re­al­i­ty. Since these reality is continue unsafe this can have such life-filling consequences, that  valuable experiences from your previous existence seem to be errased from your memory, or a far from my bed show. 
Do you have any uterine ideas left over for the first 12 years after you were born? If the answer is both yes and no, put in a table with whom and/or when you do and with whom and/or when you do not.
If so, can you indicate what they consist of?*
If not, can you indicate then what did?*
Search [using synonyms lists] for suitable terms to describe the external circumstances at various periods in your life and put them in a table.
Search for suitable terms to describe your own reactions to the external conditions at various periods in your life and add them to the previous table.
Search for suitable terms to describe the behaviour of others [important to you] on the above circumstances at various periods in your life and add them to the previous table.
Search for suitable terms to describe your own reactions to the above mentioned behaviour of others in the various periods of your life and add them to the previous table.
Controlling self-management ideas
worthy and worthless
Not only signals, but also the ideas derived from them can exert a overwhelming [pav­lov­i­an] influence from the beginning of our existence. Many of those ideas have been handed over from ge­neration to ge­ne­ration as being 1. the ab­so­lu­te truth [religion, science], 2. 'can't do otherwise' [division of tasks, fa­mi­liy hierachy] or 3. 'that is the way it is'.. that you have to subject your sig­na­ls and ideas to that... [{to the} 4. right-­of-­the-­strongest, {a-narcissistic} 5. majority-po­li­tics {of the devinely worshippping} 6. fa­mi­ly-class-society].
Do you have similar signals and ideas experienced as disturbing or worse during the first twelve years of your life?
If so, is this still bothering you? If so, indicate to what extent.
It has marked my life.
It destroys my way of life to this day.
It makes living according to my own ideas extremely difficult.
Ik heb een [ identieke of alternatieve] manier gevonden om er­mee om te gaan.
It doesn't interest me anymore.
It doesn't affect me anymore.
In the mean time I completely or largely agree with it.
If not, do you still feel that way about this? If so, why?
Do you think so for security reasons?
Do you think so because this way you are part of the strongest in society?
Do you think so because you see it as a learning school that you can use to become at a later stage the strongest yourself?
Do you think so because you want a slice of the pie in order to benefit from it?
Do you think so because you want to gather a group of supporters around you in order to be the strongest together?
Do you think so because you also try to become the strongest in the family society, because the right of the strongest triumphs - whether or not on democratically chosen grounds - and so you at least have the most right to speak?
Do you think so because you also want a family-class-society where the oldest [childish] - possibly also depending on the species - has the most rights [because that one is stronger] and the younger ones in hierarchical order [because that is called smart in a right-of-the-strongest family-society] and the youngest the least? [who is despised/supposed.... to be the most mature slave].
Controlling self-management ideas
worthy and worthless
In a superego*-centrically directed family-society those who from the very beginning identify with the ideas that have been brought up to them as reasonable, easy-going and good, and those who - with or without arguments - do not, get condemnations as unreasonable, disobedient and bad.
Did you identify yourself during the first twelve years of your life with the most dominant ideas in your family environment?
If so,
Did you do that because you had to?
Did you do that because you didn't want conflicts?
Did you do that because everyone else did?
Did you do that because you were rewarded for it?
Did you do that because you were afraid of the consequences?
Did you do that because you assumed they would be right?
Did you do that because they came up with reasonable arguments, or proved to be right?
Did you do that because you had thought about it and thought they were right?
If not,
Didn't you do that because you wanted to develop your own ideas, or didn't want to subject your ideas to theirs?
Didn't you do that because you didn't agree with it and took a possible conflict into the bargain?
Didn't you do that because they came up with unreasonable arguments or proved to be wrong?
Didn't you do that because you had thought about it and thought they were wrong?
Didn't you do that because you weren't afraid of the consequences, or else took the consequences into the bargain?
Didn't you do that because you assumed they were wrong?
Didn't you do that because others also didn't?
Didn't you do that because you were rewarded for it?
Controlling self-management ideas
worthy and worthless
Did signals and ideas derived from them undergo a self-initiated development process during the first twelve years?
If so, has this led to conflicts with the ideas in your environment?
If so, have you been able to solve this to everyone's satisfaction?
If not, were there differences between the ideas of the environment and yours?
If not, is this still possible?
If not, did the environment or you change the ideas?
If not, is this a free choice? [Motivated out of laziness, wanting to belong or something like that?
If so, are you satisfied with this choice of that time?
If not, would you sitll like to develop your own ideas?
Did you signals and ideas derived from them, from yourself and other, from the age of twelve identify with the most dominant ideas from your environment?
If so, do those signals and ideas correspond to the most dominant signals and ideas from the twelve years of your life?
If so, do those signals and ideas correspond to those of parents, grantparents and elderly?
If not, do those signals and ideas correspond to those of
a group of peers and youngsters?
If not, do those signals and ideas correspond to your own?
If not, do those signals and ideas correspond to your own?
If not, did you signals and ideas derived from them, from the age of twelve developed on you own strength?
If so, has this led to conflict with others?
If not, did you get support from your family and friends?
Did you from the age of twelve develop your own ideas about who you are, what you want and how the environment is and should be, according to you?
If so, are they
If not, do still do so, on the basis of the various questions in self-management.
Are your signals and ideas damaging to yourself an/or others?
If so, are you willing to revise and adapt your signals and ideas in such a way [see question1] that they are not damaging both to yourself and others?
Controlling self-management ideas
worthy and worthless
Are your signals and ideas humane-righteous constructive for yourself and/or others?
If not, are you willing to revise and adapt your signals and ideas in such a way [see question 1] that they become both humane-righteous constructive for yourself and for others?
Are you willing and able to face the consequences of the signals and ideas of yourself and others and to deal fairly with their consequences?
If not, read the outcome and still do so on the basis of the various questions in self-management.
Are you sure that you have correctly interpreted all the signals and ideas of past and present? If not, read the outcome, think about it and then start in your mind again from the beginning of your existence.
Can you compile ideas on the basis of facts and hypotheses that as well in the short as in the long term are not damaging to you and/or others?
If so, see if and to what extent you want to do so and put all this in writing in an orderly way.
If not, read some things again, think about it and answer this question as yet.

* multiple answers possible.

By daily reflecting on how signals from yourself and others have led to ideas and how you and others deal with them, you can adjust your own ideas where necessary in such a way that you prevent, reduce or minimize damage to yourself and others and realise humane-righteous improvements and point them out to others.