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Elze's picture

1.4. Traffic & transport

The road network will be a natural and fast connection for self-clean-energy-producing [public] types of tran­sport.

Elze's picture

1.3. Spatial planning

The space is rearranged in hill-shaped residential villages and shopping centres surrounded and se­pa­ra­ted by a green ring- and main traffic roads to agriculture and natural areas that forms the bridge to other residential areas.

Elze's picture

1.2. Architectural affairs

Homes shall be built as two-under-one-roof or freestanding as many as possible, are self-sufficient in ener­gy and sound insulating and classified as creative and businesslike training centres.

Elze's picture

1.1. Housing

The UN / government has the ultimate responsibility to provide everyone with accomodation and offer the opportunity to hire-purchase a house on size from the age of 18.

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