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4.4. Legal tasks

As well the judiciary, as individuals, groups and cultures are all responsible for abiding by and accepting the consequences of a themselves and others not damaging society.

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4.3. Judiciary

Based on the basic rights right of choice, self-determination, participation rights, the right to speak, identity rights, group rights, information right and protection right, the judiciary ensures that a themselves and others not damaging society will be created and maintained.

Elze's picture

4.2. Governance & Participation

The world will – in a democratic way – where necessary centralistically be organised [UN level] and, where possible, on a international, national and local level decentralistically elaborated.

Elze's picture

4.1. Basic rights & basic rules

Justice is the foundation of society and becomes visible in the basic rights: right of choice, self-de­ter­mi­nation rights, participation rights and speaking rights, together founded as identity right. The regulations can be more sober as the in­trin­sic integrity in the world increases extrinsically.

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