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4.3.4. Legal Historical Power

Elze's picture

The "divine" brain:  the homo sapiens who claims to have a monopoly on wisdom and planet, with all that is therein and thereon. Has themself defined as a wise man/human [see wikipedia.en]. As the conformistic likeness of a 'godly pharaotic [read: psychotic] entity' which reigns over every living thing [see Bible, Genesis 1:26-31]. A patriarchistic and matriarchistic man-human who is suggesting to [can] think, has sense. Question is, sense of what? Past and present shows that the 'sapieman' mainly 'understands' how to narcissistic dominate... everyone who is itselfand therefore differently; or else not uncritical, credulous, hypnotised and brainwashed is dancing to the unscrupulous tone of the biggest ape: the homo sapiens who has the most powerful means at his/her disposal, to selfish usurp, with help from congeners, what the narcissist and conformist see fit. Who doesn't want to know what the biggest ape want to forget. From....

Sapiens interbrain-circuit

  1. Family  narcissistic damagingvia brain-area dorsal thalamus [= i.a. brain task: sensory interpreting],

  2. Education  ego-l-istic [the ego sly] suppress [for THE narcissist-s (and)family] via brain-area reticular formation [= i.a. brain task: degree of awareness],

  3. Business-life  sadistically transforming and conforming via brain-area insula-putamen [= i.a. brain task: hate circuit],

  4. Politics  harassing indoctrinating and terroristically destroyng via brain-area cingulate gyrus - precuneus [= i.a. brain task: self-awareness - formation - episodic memory].

.... Under the prehistoric cloak / motto that prevails to this day: 'you're only a real sapiens woman or guy if you for strategic reasons [as family-societal survival and/or selfishness] openly are conformistic and sneaky are a discord sawing and egoïsts kowtowing ratcatcher'.

Narcississt-s (and) family:  From narcissist to psychopath turned out to be a small step only, smaller than many man/human 'thinks'. The family history shows that the homo sapiens has ranked the narcissistic man/human to a divine good. To a 'Über-­Ich' [Superego] to speak with Sigmund Freud [see wikipedia], where everyone unscrupulous has to submit to. In what way thinking? In what way wise? In the land of the ostrich blind the narcissist is one-eyed king. The homo sapiens shows to be a 'master' in ape [mimic]. In dictating that you cannot start a conflict with the biggest narcissist-s (and) group. That you not only must submit your will voluntarily to the biggest narcissist in the sapiens family, but also have to eliminate the boundary between your will and interpretations and the out of that resulting thoughts and that of the biggest narcissist-s(and) group. So that the will, interpretations and the out of that resulting thoughts of the biggest narcissist-s (and) family, in a devilish 'devine' way, sneaky can haunt in your brain. And with that will damage and eliminate that of yours in an trojan way and will install virully that of the biggest [mimic] ape from man-ape history.

Unscrupulousness:  As long as 'Ich' [see S. Freud wikipedia] don't want to know.... why you may or will not eat from the tree of good and evil, as long as everyone wants to forget that unscrupulousness is the genetic and memetic basic value of the homo sapiens [see memetics wikipedia], crime remains the pragmatic regulated standard... of the biggest narcissist-s (and) group. Remains the man/human conformistic tolerate and divine sapiens honour the unrestrained greed of unscrupulous rulers, and everyone that distance themselves in a humane righteous way, with devilish much manipulation, intimidation, suppression, brainwashing and other forms of mental and physical violence, talk into a 'divine' sapiens sense of guilt.

Self-destruction:  The homo sapiens shows trojanly and openly, in a nonverbal and verbal way, mentally and physically, both at individual and societal level, to be the perfect murderer of the self. The murderer of the 'Es', the child in ourseleves, to talk with S. Freud and T.A. Harris [see wikipedia.en]. Capable of massive narcissism and conformism formation. To urge ['switch on'] others... to 'voluntarily' start no conflict with the ideas of the biggest narcissist-s (and) group. He/she gets other people that far that they voluntarily let damaging themselves masochistically: to voluntarily bury their wishes, thoughts and comings and goings - their identity – and voluntarily force other people and animals sadistically to do the same. He/she has made a sadomasochistic customary law of it, to humiliate and destroy everything and everyone around to his/her 'own' liking, including the own/earthy continued existance, and is flying into a childish rage if they put a righteous stop to it. If the right to damage themselves and others righteous is taken away from him/her.

Customary-law:  Summarised, sapiens culturconsists of

  1. ovum-like collecting narcissists-mothers, sperm-like hunting-conformists-fathers, and in their zygotic image created child-slaves,

  2. a dictatorial created customary-law / culture which is recorded in a memetic code [i.e. the narcissistic-conformistic views (think-images) of the homo sapiens culturally will dictatorial, from generation to generation, be trasferred, if it were a genetic code].

  3. a mythical 'belief' in the superiority of its own species and group, where, from generation to generation, in a conformistic way, narcissistic is be given shape to, and

  4. 'devine' narcissists copying weaklings, which is the devil's conformists who

    1. don't want / cannot handle the truth about themselves and peers,

    2. not in a reasonable and righteous way willing and/or able to go with themselves and others.

    3. systematically try to blame others for their own guilt, and

    4. only in a violent way, by openly and/or sneaky competing, by manipulating, intimidating, sabotaging and/or liquidating others, turn out to be the best.

The weakest link:  An evolved family is as righteous as the most unfair family-member. The aping of narcissistic ideas, selfish conditions, conformistic codes of conduct and sadomasochistic habits of the themselves wise man/human calling homo sapiens, turns out to be the weakest link in the evolution of man. And as long as members of the sapiens family 'democratically' extrinsically continue to choose [the aping of and comform to] the biggest egoist of the family/group, stays it that way, from generation to generation.

Connection:  You can not have one without the other.

  1. Without righeous main-program [UN] no righteous body-process-or [parts of the world/states].

  2. Without righteous body-process-or [[parts of the world/states], no righteous board-members [countries/federal states].

  3. Without righteous board-members [countries/federal states], no righteous co-operation [regions/citystates].

  4. Without righteous co-operation [regions/citystates], no righteous society / living together [inhabitants/family-members].

  5. Without righteous society / living together [inhabitants/family-members].no righteous main-program [UN].

The fundament:  If we aim to make a reasonably grounded fundament of history, we need to know what was right and wrong. What was damaging to yourself and/or others and what not. And why. Shall we need to know what and who was righteous constructive and what and who wasn't. And to what degree. And to what level. Shall we, on a daily basis, have to look back to what extent we individually, collectively and culturally have reacted and functioned in a yourself and others not damaging way. And explore how and to what degree we need and can readjust that. Because a righteous history is made up of a solid fundament of logic and reasonableness. A fundament where a current and future identity can fall back on, in case it might have fallen off course. But an unjust history consist of the morbid fundament of worship of narcissists, glorification of conformists and institutionalisation, automation and cultivation of slavery. Which is, institutionalisation of narcissists-mothers, automation of conformists-fathers and cultivation of child-slaves. There is no righteous identity to build up. That history we first must review and repair. The affected parts out and healthy parts in. Only then we historically still will have a solid foundation for the construction of a right-minded [law-grounded] world identity.