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4.2. Governance & Participation

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Democratic centralising where needed and democratic decentralising where possible. The judiciary rules will in a democratic way, on a UN/world level, where necessary, [basic rules] centralistically be organised and on a national level, where possible, [own standards] decentralistically elaborated.

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4.2.1. Federal Parliament

Federal parliament: Legislature Body consisting of parliamentary representatives of the people, which is elected every four years by everyone from 18 years.

Directly elected Members of Parliament have the possibility to wether or not group into parties, but remain independent at all times, even if they commitin advance to a party view.

All potential parliamentary representatives will at registration get the opportunity to acquire the necessary information and education to carry out their future work properly. [To compare with business training].

Potential parliamentary representatives have to present themselves and to define and comment their point of views in general and for the next four years in particular, through an own website, a specially for that equipped TVstation and other media resources, even if they commit in advance to a party view.

Every four years elections will take place, all four at once, so as well on UN level, as on international [States/part of the world], national [federal state] and local level [ city state/regions].

All elections are mandatory. However, there always has to be a 'none of these options is acceptable "choice option. These votes receive a blank seat in the local, regional, national, international or worldly parliament. So without Member of Parliament. Elections that doesn't satisfy are invalid. Argument is that every human being also co-responsoble is for the progress of the society as a whole. Citizens no longer can suffice with: 'I don't know anything about it' and 'das hab ich nicht ge­wusst'. Participating in society also means thinking about it. Evaluating and making choices is a small but important element of this. At the same time they have the opportunity to make clear that none of the candidates seems suitable.

For the new elections on the basis of the latest findings [statistics, reports from various organisations and institutions, scientists, individuals and referenda], the priorities for the next four years are collected and after discussion and amendments in parliament, adopted by two-thirds of the old parliament.

After inauguration of a new parliament, the priorities for the next four years, as determined by the old parliament, will, after discussion and amendments in parliament, be adopted by two-thirds of the new parliament. After this, on the basis of a two-thirds majority, the members of the new government and the head of government will be elected for the next four years, in accordance with a selection procedure, where every citizen can respond to and which is treated by the management and organisation team of the parliament. The federal parliament can, based on results of two-thirds majority decide to choose one or more members of the government, including the head of government, or to dismiss the entire government and select new members, head of government or government.

Any regulation has to comply with the basic principles. Regulation that doesn't comply with the basic principles is not valid [see Political Judiciary].

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4.2.2. Referenda

Referenda:  Plebiscite. Are an important part of the political process. That is both good for the awareness and involvement of the people, as an eye-opener and border security for visual field restriction and selfishness development  of political representatives.

Types of referenda. Referenda are either:

  1. consulting [by politics asked advice in relation to legislation and important decision-making]

  2. advising [by the people replied or uninvited given advice]

  3. inventarising[by politics surveyed preferences of the people]

  4. inviting [by the people requested measures]

Mandatory referenda. By legislative amendments and important decision-making concerning

  1. transfer of power,

  2. peace and security at home and elsewhere,

  3. privacy,

  4. informative issues,

  5. educational issues,

  6. scientific issues,

  7. economic issues,

  8. social issues.

Referenda are not binding.  But they still give an important indication where democratically, on a not - or as little as possible - damaging way, must be taken into account. Argument to declare referenda non-binding is that the people can be seen as an immature child which at times may say and advise very sensible things and sometimes has a better insight and overview than the parents, but [still] not always has the overview or expertise- or fancy - to come to a balanced judgment or request that, in the longer term too, rises above his or her own benefit. It is the duty of politicians, as a responsible parent, to weigh all interests, including those of animals and nature, and come to an themselves and others not damaging conclusion and at the same time not to be in conflict with his or her own intrinsic motivation and extrinsic presentation. Because, just like parents and other adults, - for whatever reason - politicians too only parochial interests can [keep] serving, any citizen can, alone or together with others, go to Political Judiciary for an advice or judgment [see Political Judiciary].

Referenda procedures.

  1. Referenda are, where necessary, conducted 1x quarterly, always on the first Tuesday of the new quarter,

  2. Referenda are as much as possible regulated via the internet.

  3. Where possible referenda must be dealt within three months. Administrative delays / delaying tactics can be discussed with the Political Judiciary.

  4. As for the elections, the referenda are - for the same reason - mandatory [see Federal Parliament, item 5].

  5. Referenda are not merely yes or no choices. They have always at least to offer the "none of these options is acceptable" choice option. Referenda which don't comply to this are invalid.

  6. Referenda preferably are held in survey form.

  7. Referenda that incite hate and revenge are damaging and thus not tolerable.

  8. Referenda that intend to provide a particular political, economic, educational and/or cultural group priority and privileges [so power], encourage an undemocratic society and inequality of power and are as such damaging to the individual rights and responsibilities of every human being, and therefore impermissible.

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4.2.3. Governing Power

Governing Power: [executive power].  The federal government is responsible for the governance of the world, part of the world, country, or region and the implementation of by parlement elected measures. At the end of each quarter they are accountable to parliament about the progress and findings.The head of government is both coordinator of the government as the representative of society.

Elected governance & policy

  1. Based on the latest findings [statistics, reports from various organisations and institutions, scientists, individuals and referenda], for the new elections the priorities for the next four years will be gathered and after discussion and amendments in Parliament adopted by two-thirds of the old parliament.

  2. At the inauguration of a new parliament, the priorities for the next four years, as determined by the old parliament, will, after discussion and amendments in Parliament, be adopted by two-thirds of the new parliament.

  3. The Federal Parliament selects on the basis of two-thirds majority, every four years the members of the government and the Head of Government; in accordance with an application procedure, where every citizen can respond to and which is treated by the management and organisation team of the parliament.

  4. The Federal Parliament may, based on results and two-thirds majority decide to dismiss one or more members of the Government, including the Prime Minister or the entire Government and elect new members, Head of Government or Government.

Conditions leadership

  1. Leaders can only be elected. The inheritance will be abolished.

  2. Leaders must have a fair and open informing identity and a righteous unifying capability that is averse to backroom deals and cronyism.

  3. Leaders are primarily selected on the basis of integrity, empathy, honesty and trustworthiness, in the second place based on organisational skills and coach and director qualities. Only thereafter professional competence, specialisms et al issues will be discussed.

  4. Leaders act on the basis of their intrinsic values and vision. They don't speak to the liking to get support, to known and unknown fellow-citizens, and make their views anyway knowable; even if it's not appreciated and entails negative consequences.

Elze's picture

4.2.4. Supportive Power

Supportive Power:  [public emplyees]. The supportive power is the actual executive power. She is the by the Governing Body appointed and controlled executor of government policy. At the end of each quarter she will be accountable to the governing body about the state of affairs and her findings. She has both all kinds of variable as some fixed recurring tasks and has to observe thereby the following:

Organisation, co-operation & attunement

  1. Each government, department, organisation or group is a compilation of individuals that must be merged to a fair and logical and reasonable functioning and cooperating unity, by the for that purpose appointed leader.

  2. Any temporary or more permanent grouping, if it's a cabinet, department or research institute or else a semi-state business, educational institute or cultural organisation, is considered as a more or less oversized family organisation.

  3. A government, department or otherwise can only function, cooperate and attune righteous as each 'family member' is given the freedom and space to perform his or her duties in a not damaging way.

  4. Cooperation and attuning needs to be and remain a pleasure, not a [betting] battle. Each member separately is co-responsible for that.

Research & statistics

  1. For a good insight and overview the for that entrusted section of the supportive power, makes periodically in the name of the UN/government a inventory of the current and future needs for knowledge.

  2. For a good insight and overview the for that entrusted section of the supportive power, makes periodically in the name of the UN/government a inventory of the available knowledge, skills and activities.

  3. For a good insight and overview the for that entrusted section of the supportive power, groups periodically, in the name of the UN/government, the corresponding need for knowledge and skills and converts this to the existing knowledge and skills.

  4. For a good insight and overview the for that entrusted section of the supportive power, groups periodically, in the name of the UN/government, the corresponding surplus of knowledge and expertise and compare it with the need for work and preferences.

  5. For a good insight and overview the for that entrusted section of the supportive power, makes periodically, in the name of the UN/government, tha inventory of the unfulfilled need for knowledge, skills and work-activities.

  6. For a good insight and overview the for that entrusted section of the supportive power, makes periodically. in the name of the UN/government, a inventory of the unfulfilled preferences in terms of work-activities and knowledge and skills.

  7. For a good insight and overview the for that entrusted section of the supportive power, selects periodically, in the name of the UN/government, supply and demand, based on an ethically responsible mindset.

  8. For a good insight and overview. the for that entrusted section of the supportive power, attunes periodically. in the name of the UN/government, the unfulfilled preferences, work-activities and knowledge and skills where possible.
