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Sorrow entertainment

Elze's picture
Sorrow entertainment is a vengeful emotion. Is entertaining yourself with the sorrow of another. Both in the past and in the present there are plenty of examples of where that can lead to. Unscrupulous as he is, the homo-sapiens speaks well about it with all kinds of arguments.
Sorrow entertainment shows that you cannot or don't want to deal with your frustrations in a rational way, but that you allow yourself to be guided by feelings and emotions and don't care about that of others. In other words, it is an arrogant emotion that places itself on a 'divine' pedestal and plunges someone else with great pleasure damn ruthless into the ground.
Although the cabaret and other clownish forms of play are based on sorrow entertainment, and can cause a lot of damage [also with fictional persons], they also can perform a useful function. By opening the eyes of the viewer by caricating all those frustrated people itself, who ridicule others and dig them into the ground, but absolutely cannot deal with frustration themselves and scream murder and fire when it happens to them.