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2.4.2. Attuning

Elze's picture

How you make contact with and attune to others, you decide yourself. How others react is up to them. If you want a society based on

  1. intrinsic motivation without notable taking into account the wants and cir­cum­stan­ces of others, delivers a society where the will of the person with the most op­portunities for forcing his or her will [pharaotic / divine / capitalistic / com­mu­nistic / family] will be the law. Then your will and/or that of others in the shortest time will be crushed in dictatorial fashion and extrinsic overwritten.

  2. You don't want that? Do you want a society that is based on intrinsic mo­ti­va­tion, on a righteous, yourself and others not damaging way, attune to the intrinsic motivation of others? Then you have to start with it your­self. Re­gard­less of how others think and do. Then you have to look beyond short-sighted self-interest, set yourself and others not damaging priorities for the short and long term and negative consequences take into the bar­gain.

Righteous attuning you do

  1. intrinsically by attuning your wishes, thinking patterns, actions and identity on a yourself and others not damaging base [mo­rals], and

  2. extrinsically by your not damaging base [moral] close to attune in to all those with a similar reference point, to a [more] detached or very aloof to all those who have made selfishness and damaging to the starting point.

Selfish attuning is

  1. intrinsically you wishes, thought-patterns, actions and identity attune to the principle: take as much as pos­si­ble advantage of the opportunities, whether damaging or not, and

  2. extrinsically build a wall or an impenetrable barrier around you, whereby no­ted that attuned a little less de­ta­ched on all those with a similar selfish prin­ci­ple, and very aloof to all those who righteousnesss and non-damaging made to the starting point.

Open and closed attuning

  1. Righteous attuning is an open attitude / culture based on mutually give some­thing without that there is a "quid pro quo" mentality. Information and know­led­ge is freely shared [open source operating systems, internet, library, volunteer work, etc.].

  2. Selfish attuning is based on unilaterally arrogate without doing anything in re­turn, or based on a 'quid pro quo' in a closed setting of egoists among them­sel­ves. Information and knowledge is only for themselves or a spe­ci­fic group, as long as confidentiality and other conditions has been accomplished [fa­mi­lies, friends, re­la­tion­ships, businesses, elite groups, religions, cultures, secret al­liances, criminals, etc.].