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This is a compilation of the tweets I sent in April, with an addition here and there.
The Dutch pirate society: It will be your constitutional state ....
The Sapiens family body and soul. Paradisiacal as long as you have no conscience and look through the eyes of a dramaqueen & boss-never-enough. But woe to those who use the braintree of knowledge of good and evil. Then something swings. Because the ground level is low, very low-to-the-ground. That is below standard.
Then you belong to it. Are you like them.
Because if there might be a Deity, then it would let itself be known as a matriarchal primal mother who plays with humanity as if they were dolls, with animals as if it were sweets and with nature & the environment as if it were a co(s)mic garbage dump. Let she know themselves as an envious hate sower who has entrenched herself narcissistically and can drink the blood of everything and everyone. With her husband as divinely conformistic rat-catching father and patriarchic performer of her divine-narcissistic illusions and her critical offspring and all her possible competitors as divine scapegoat.
... Thanks to the narcissistic god(s) of the homosapiens ...:
success in this world is only for psychopaths ... Because they were created after a divine sadistic image and say [just like Noah]: the flood after us ..., long live the psychopathic family business.
Anyone who wants a narcissistic culture has to scamelessly and incensively put narcissists on a divine pedestal, chase their enemies (both the competition and those who are critical, or remain logical & reasonable), humiliate and sow fear and lower themselves into slaves.
Because THE characteristic of narcissists is that they do not tolerate criticism but criticize others continiously. That they want to be worth more than another; in a class society. With narcissists on top. So they always need people who are worth less or can be relegated.
  • Narcissism = hierarchy = top position based on delusion = capitalism.
  • Conformism = uniformity = servant position based on Stockholm syndrome = communism.
  • Humanism = democracy = equality = independent position based on humanity = future music.
In other words, the narcissist-and-copies, conformists & slaves must ridicule and damage themselves to kick the enemy of the narcissist-and-club into the ground. Which means, that divine paradise turns out to be a narcissistic hell.
After all ....
What kind of narcissistic primal mother / god does not want you to evolve beyond her? Who does not want people to develop into logical & reasonably thinking, functioning and responsive people? Who sets family members against each other and threatens them with death if they don't like a zombie do what she want?
What kind of conformist primal father accepts everything his divine wife wants, even if that is unreasonable and damages humanity, degrades it to fiends and / or destroys them?
What kind of society does blindly what narcissistic conforming (family) leaders want?
Violent..., that narcissism... Just a contagious disease. It seems so beautiful, to don't care a bit and to want to be the best ... But then suddenly a lot of people want the same thing. And the battle begins. Until there is a headwind. Then they suddenly agree as a family. For a moment ...
Because ...
What happens if your father was dictatorial and only the best where well enough, otherwise you were a loser. And your mother didn't say anything about it? Did you become a conformist? Did you do everything you could, to do it right, in the eyes of your father and people like him?
A high IQ is not yet a high level of justice, we already saw that in the Bible [Gen. 1-3 e.v.]. That appears again and again. As long as the reptile brain rules, the right of the strongest history is the boss. Hence, some persistently continue with not eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Moreover, a large part of humanity is fighting a fanatic battle AGAINST justice. Because it yields such a divine position. And self-esteem. But self-esteem based on status, privileges, outward display and favoritism is like self-esteem of hot air: based on Nyx.
Because that's what you get from it ...
The more extreme the worship of the unscrupulous, the more obsessive the identification with unscrupulousness, the greater the lack of self-criticism and the more hate against and criticism on everything and everyone who strives for reasonableness and justice.
A large part of mankind lustfully turns to envy and revenge like a pig in the mud. Unscrupulousness is the norm .... dictates the corporate mafia. ..AND .. Normalization of Christianity. Because this is how your sins are forgiven. After all, God does not want you to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Otherwise you will be chased away from paradise. Awaits you just such a scapegoat fate as Eve. Hence racism and that eternal struggle.
That's how it went ... before. That is how it is now ... still: "Because The Hague does not want to annoy the important, powerful trading partner, certainly not in times of crisis".
  • the interests of the club of psychopaths are without limits ...
  • the world is full of sadists who successfully bring their sadism to market and justify it.
  • many masochists think they are smart by being the swipe of the themselves as normal selling club of psychopaths.
  • economic piracy prevails in the Netherlands. This is a disease that has been cultivated for centuries and is becoming increasingly extreme and infect everyone. Hence the breakdown of the healthcare sector, the adequate help from the police & the judiciary, education & science, politics and the media, and the corporate triggered corruption that is taken place on an ever-increasing scale.
  • it has zero affect on the unscrupulous.
  • many people continue to 'play war' without thinking of the conse­quen­ces...
  • envy people think to solve their problems with 'endlösung': people & cultures that you don't like, trees that stand in your way, employees & governments who are not slavish enough.., etc. A short-sighted vision because there will always be nicer flowers bloom again. 
Question is:
how happy are you if you get it your wayby threatening and / or blackmailing with envy?
Fake people and fake cultures: the world is full of them.
Distance yourself from people who are always envious of you and / or others.
Distance yourself from people who don't want to know the truth.
However..., how do you do that?
The Sapiens family saddled her descendants with quite a few nasty things. That letting go causes environmental problems. Better is: the negative recycling into something positive. Does the descendants also benefit from it. And then, for example, under the name: Hetero Humanisimus?
Those who caused the problem - the economic pirates - say they will resolve the problems that have arisen with integrity .... Haha ... THEY? Integer? Some people make a fool or themselves. There are a lot nowadays. How stupid do you want it ...
What if we start by investigating all those confused people at the top who are corrupting society with their economic piracy. After all, it seems suspiciously similar that the grabbers club chronically has a borderline-like panic attack / has phobia for being reasonable. For liars and fantasists, the truth is a tough one .... Even royal houses know, in a sophisticated way and with great success, to convince and ensure a large part of the people, that they are indispensable.
Indispensable ...? For what?
For their narcissistic capital & their narcissistic policy? And that of others? To be of service to the narcissistic reality of the greatest rulers / the club of brawlers [family] in the world / society? To see life as one big bullfight until death follows? One big sapien family struggle? Yeah-yeah ... And that's what they call romantic: fighting against everything that is logical & reasonable. That is their art of living. And what do you get?
A family business dictatorship...
... That links to group feeling & group behavior. To belong, to be accepted, provided that... To the influence of the family / environment on your ideas, feelings and behavior ['if you do it that way, you do well']. How that can overrule own thinking & choices and automation.
... That links to people who do their utmost to do well in the eyes of their family. To meet their wishes. And have the feeling never to do well. And therefore continue endlessly. Along with many others. Because otherwise you 'go off' in the eyes of your family. Are you a loser.
... That links to the umpteenth herd-man who collectively hides himself in anger for everything that is different; because that's how you belong, you're just like them.. and therefore safe.. they think..
... That links to a lack of self-criticism, - own responsebility & -own morality of individuals immersed in herd behavior.
Because that is the tragedy of group dictatorship. Having to or wanting to belong. The price you pay is both a continuous conflict with yourself and with the group culture unwelcome environment & cultures. Mankind is 'good' at that. Is clearly visible everywhere today. Homo sapiens suffers en masse from Stockholm syndrome. Has been caught AND infected by economic piracy. Entire family tribes & ancient cultures have been built on this. Because it gives a false sense of security. "Nothing can happen as long as you participate." Or because of a Stockholm syndrome. Getting out of there is not that easy. For many, only if there are good reception options. AND.. accept that some individuals, groups and cultures don't like you, if not take up a fight with you or exclude you o.i.d.
Because that is the result...
... Some adolescents do everything to vex parents & others [in Dutch: to get them on the closet {or in (-)}] just to get attention. The more you worry about it and respond to it, the better they like it. Because that's how they attract other teenagers, like rat catchers. And they'll have a narcissistic stage.
... And the John-with-the-cap culture [employees] and John-without-the-cap culture [outcast / unemployed person] are able to evoke an enormous disgust by  -with a great lack of self-criticism- ranting the lack of self-criticism & self-healing ability of middle class & top layer.
... The homosapiens in their entirety: first submit slavishly to narcissistic and conformistic psychopaths and then turn around like a French toast and complain that they don't see you and shamelessly walk over you and kick you into the ground....
... Because for self-criticism you need a self. Herd-man don't have that. They never had, or hung on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Hence all those powermongers who come up with something new every time to make people & groups upset. Because that is how they are hormonal from their normal self-control, with all the disadvantages that that entails. And play powermongers the attention and the divide and rule game. Under the motto: pain is inspiration.
Typically a comment for sadists. Our society is full of that. Because both mental and physical pain extinguishes / kills all inspiration & creativity and disrupts analytical thinking & memory. And isn't that exactly the intention? After all, as long as the persons in question don't want to - or can - think about this, nothing will change. With all its consequences for itself and the environment.
And what if the bull does not allow itself to be challenged? This bull certainly not.(:-). Insight controls the emotions. You can't learn it early enough. Your biggest capital is knowing if and when someone is a psychopath and when not. And your biggest weapon is being able to set limits in a reasonable manner; also to all those psychopaths (gangs) who don't accept any limits at all.
Yesterday [18.04-19] once again picked up the 1st part of Message from the 2nd WO. Begins with the period 1917-1923. Russian revolution, Hitler biography & start of the NSDAP, the propaganda machine and the circumstances in Germany & elsewhere after the 1st WO. Are very many similarities with now.
It is starting to seem that the corporate mafia dictates to the EU that it does not want to take anything into account and that the EU has to blindly fulfill all its whims and that local investors are only too happy to participate in the psychopathic gang. Do criminal parties in a democracy also have the right to an existence? EU?
Take a moment to worry about all those problems caused by the corporate mafia & capitalist gang. How they bribe, blackmail and indoctrinate you & others. That's what you are for. We are an ECHR democracy, not a [family] corporate dictatorship carried out by a weak EU.
What do you want..?
  • A democracy is based on equality. If you criticize you must also be able to receive criticism.
  • In a hierarchy, society is unequal: the narcissistic top does not accept criticism but does have criticism and sets requirements that the rest must meet.
  • A society that wants to connect vertically [hierarchy] and horizontally [democracy] creates a communist society with narcissistic leaders dictatorial at the top. 
That last thing? Something like Hitler and his [economic] henchmen and donors?
What do you say?
Can I not compare it with that? Other times? The 30's? Well, it looks a lot like the outcast culture versus today's economic narcissist club. Then it was the generation of my parents and grandparents, in the 70s it was my peers, and now the young people who are pushing and pulling on you on two sides of the cultural spectrum. Was and has not been spent on me.
Do you not want to compare yourself to it? Too bad for words? Then we agree at least on that. Do we still have one thing in common: a big disgust for [that anarchistic/narcissistic economically dictating club of ...] that Hitler gang..., I said cynically.
Narcissist logic = narcissist capital + narcissist policy + narcissist network = religion
For centuries the Kingdom of the Netherlands has been 'THE model' of a narcissistic conforming family society on an anarchist-religious indoctrinal basis. It is high time for an inner process of growth towards a reasonable identity on a humane coexisting foundation.
Because ...
Putting others in your hand with rat methods is trying to impose others your [or her or his] will with sneaky violence. Is indoctrinating to stockholm syndrome. Running is no longer possible. Hiding doesn't work either. The All-seeing eye of the trinity Sekhmet, Ra & Horus puts an Egyptian method for this. Who? The trinity of mother ... father & son: Religion, Capitalism & Communism. That destroys everything and everyone. Year after year, century after century. Some people and cultures just don't want to learn that. Keep fooling themselves and others. They are all trapped in Eden's paradisiacal envy. Only those who are not created in her divine image, or who have transformed themselves with dignity, must or can get out. The rest has saddled itself with her multi-mass-murdering unscrupulousness.
At least ... until ...
Because just like adolescents who separate themselves from parents and start developing their own values ​​& norms and make their own choices, distancing yourselve from a religion also means thinking about good & evil and how just you treat your fellow man and bear responsibility for that.
However ... how do you do that?
After all, in many groups & cultures it is taboo to adjust insights and to acknowledge and correct errors. While that is a human and scientific fact. That is why that is also a problem for many individuals. Because how does the environment react? In a society overflowing with narcissistic hysteria, it is quite an art (and task, as far as I'm concerned) to be and stay reasonable. For the much needed counterbalance. Because so much nonsense is claimed & proven today under the heading of scientifically, what is used for them in the booth, that you start to doubt their intellectual capacities ...., (;-) or what they have internalized. Unreasonableness - and therefore a lack of self-critical & self-healing capacity - is the greatest danger in the world. In any culture or [political or economic] system. Speaking of construct(ive)....
How you do that?
The art of living is constantly refining yourself. That is a challenge and, in my opinion, also fun. Your development continues throughout your life. What seemed logical yesterday can suddenly turn out to be very different with new facts today.
Take morality, for example. Moral disappears through a magnet. And the magnetic field of the earth turns .... And the morality of humanity is far below standard. But there is no connection ....!?
Coincidence is fine, but too much coincidence... I don't like that. Because tell yourself, what do you do with it? Investigate patterns? Make connections? With many random agreements as a result? And then?
Learning from your mistakes and - those of others - gives your life meaning and shine. I first owe myself responsibility for how I treat myself and others and think about things. What I like and what I don't. Others may appeal to me about that. Is at the same time a voyage of discovery, thinking about how things stand and develop in life. That is why I like to give space to that investigating child in me. And you?