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Assertiveness in a narcissistic cult@orship: if you say no, you're guilty.
Someone who thinks to be smart by becoming friends with egoists end up cheated.
Egoists adore egoism. They make a bestial culture of it and threaten and damage everyone who criticize it. For that make them feel powerful.
If your feelings don't want to be reasonable and your mind will not clash with your feelings, your feelings remains the unreasonable boss.
Some people don't know their limits and want cross boundaries at all costs. Stay reasonable. Make sure that you don't do the same [anymore].
Every human being has to bear his/her own mistakes/dredging burdens from the past, present and future.
The more burdened with ['heav-en/i-ly'] toxic ideas, the more water, exercise and common sense is needed to eliminate it from mind and body.
If you review the wrong choices from the past from yourself & others and replace it by good ones the spectres from the past will disappear.
As long as humanity is unwilling to clean up the diseases of the collective unconscious it remains mopping with the tap open.
You must confess color morally, cultural, politico-economical said the chameleon and changed color as the other said to have chosen already.
If you have an independently developed moral compass, you don't need others'.
The biggest complainers mostly have the best health, the most resources to force their sense, the biggest mouth and the most sympathizers.
Conformists need a group of like-minded people to enforce combative and to teach who and how un-reasonable you allowed to be a yourself and others leading self.
Only someone without conscience does not regret nasty things that deeply touch others.
You can have all the knowledge and experience of the world, without a humane - righteous conscience you are nothing.
The consequenses of stupid choices are on own account. You can't blame others for your own mistakes; even if you have been manipulated in it.
In some circumstances you need a lot of patience, extreme vigilance, a lot of self-control and a strong motivation to survive.
It is not about how mankind and the world has dealt with you, deals with you and will deal with you in the future, but how you do and will do and have done.
The decadent man is the founder of empty-headedness. The only depth she/he makes is the downfall.
Democracy is as strong as the weakest link.
Some people are disappointed by the choices they have made, but open about it seems a bridge too far. So they continue on the same footing.
Distance yourself from people who are always envious of you and/or others.
Distance yourself from people who don't want to know the truth.
Take [more] distance if people are not willing to be reasonable. This way you save your energy and good mood.
Egoism splits individuals, groups, the homo-sapiens-family and every living being on earth, humanism attunes just and reasonable off.
if you don't want to be a slave of an egoist like X, make sure that you don't become an egoist like Y, because before you know it.....
If being egoistic is normal then being humane righteous is weird. If being humane righteous is normal, being egoistic is a negative choice.
Elitists are always recognizable. Despite how poor, powerless and slavishly standardized: they are not approachable with logic and justice.
Narcissistic encapsulation maintains only by psychopathic destruction of anything and everyone which/who oust the illusion of own divinity.
You cannot expect reasonableness from envious people. Then don't expect them.
Carrying coals to Newcastle: whatever you do, in the eyes of envious people you never do it well.
Those who allows him or herself to be driven crazy by envious people, no longer has a life of his own.
In an environment where manipulation, lying & exploitation are part of the basic cultural equipment, truth and acting transparently & with integrity is a precious commodity.
If you let envious people their way, you will be unhappy for the rest of your life.
Being equal, realizing that you are equal and feeling equal are three different things.
The envious being is a very hungry caterpillar. Whatever you do or refrain from, it is never good enough.
A family-dictatorship allows hysterical hormones to be the boss. The result: a neurotic agony.
There are a lot of soft sawders in this world. Conformists earn money with flattery. Narcissists like it. Selfcritisism resists no matter what.
As long as humanity continues to cultivate itself and each other in compartmentalized frames of mind, the perspective remains limited and violent.
Gaslighters do give light, but that turns out to be false and leads to the wrong road ... towards ruin.
A beast is only good when it is dominant, a rational being is only good when it is righteous.
As soon as group behavior becomes the norm the end of determing yourself who you are and want to be is within sight.
If you have identified yourself with Mr. & Mrs Haughty you have sunk very deeply.
Don't hide your moral standards, intellectual gifts and creative talents, it makes you who you are.
As a humanist you are only successful if you face to what extent you have failed and restores where you have damaged yourself and others.
If the fear for egoists wins, co-humanity and self-determination loses.
It isn't incompetence that causes so much trouble but how the humankind deal with it.
Once you get intimidated or provoked through unreasonableness - both your own and others/groups - the end of reasonableness is within sight.
Know what you are asking of yourself & others and know what you are doing for yourself & others. Everything has its consequences.
It's never too late to be honest and reasonable.
All those who laugh humane just laugh best.
As long as mankind is guided by envy, emotions are the leader and revenge her calculating follower.
Those who think that it is sufficient if he/she lives and act according to the cultural codes of conduct, still have a lot of empathetic research capacity to learn.
Once liars have free reign, their lies take on a life of their own.
As soon as the lie becomes a culture, the truth is a mere spectator.
Life is balancing - between intrinsic motivation & goals and extrinsic attunement to a culturally highly diverse motivated world full of diverse goals.
An identity or culture is as strong as its weakest link.
The most low-to-the-sealevel individuals, political parties and countries are those who reduce life into economic value, status and power.
As long as madness has the power, the mind is left behind.
A huge part of mankind wallow themselves in envy and vengeance like a pig in the mud.
Those who mirror themselves to others mirror themselves strangely.
The mistake humanity is making is that they are always shocked by the cold egoïsm, hatred and sadism of its forefathers imitating congeners.
As long as we keep covering the recent and historical mistakes of ourselves and our family, we never can clean up.
Learning from your mistakes -and those of others- gives your life meaning and shine.
Perfect murderers are those who are be able to get others that far that they are voluntarily step out of life through suicide or euthanasia.
Narcissists are anarchists who, regardless of their economic status, anarcistic identify with arrogant humiliating family-business leaders.
Anyone who elevates opportunism to the status of daily fare turns truth into a permanent lie.
Only when the views of the outside world no longer are reflected in yourself, you get the opportunity to shape your own ideas in yourself.
Growing up and living in an ostrich culture means that everyone is nice and has good intentions except those who dare to criticize that or something.
Every person carries his/her own past. If you recycle the unreasonableness of yourself and others into something reasonable [in the right proportions], the burden becomes much lighter.
Those who cannot withstand the pressure of the mass will be overrun by the human hyena.
Because of their pathological jealousy narcissistic psychopaths-leaders and conformists are sawing violent chaos to reap dictatorial rest.
A puppet has no vision
Rashness leads to overconfidence leads to power-hungry leads to greed leads to rivalry leads to hate and envy leads to death and destruction.
The biggest weapon against injustice is being reasonable & staying reasonable.
Each person decides if and to what extent he/she wants to be reasonable. The consequences are on one's own account.
Your nonverbal behaviour is that what you reflect to others, just like what you say verbally, what you really meant remains questionable.
Regret is the first step to a better future.
The repetitive compulsion culture destroys more than one is aware of.
Only if the European people will be self-critical + self-corrective, her leaders can humane recycle her ongoing greed and their aggression.
Keeping self-critical thinking has its advantages. And in doing so one learns what they are.
The chain is as strong as it's weekest link: as long as the people shortcomings will not recover, as long as the leaders do what they want.
Some people are so sick of envy that they make every effort to sabotage nice activities and being and working together with you and others.
Someone who is losing itself in the mass needs an external eye to find itself again.
Whoever sows a divinely selfish society will reap a devilishly psychopathic world.
The only stability known to the conformist is to go chameleonic with the flow.
A lot of people are specialised in making others unhappy.
Unscrupulous people want the lusts of a humane-just conscience, but not the burdens.
Those who sow unscrupulous (-ness) will reap distrust.
it is good to know what you do and don't want, it is better if that what you want is possible, and the best is to want what you can do fair.
To be yourself you shouldn't be afraid to be different, but humane, principally if the dictatorial framework of the society doesn't fit you.