Just like the X, the Y stands for multiple meanings. In the first place it is the 25th letter from the current Latin alphabet, the 20th letter from the Greek and the 6th letter from the Canaanite [usually called Phoenician] and Semitic alphabet. Thus the Y has made a whole journey from the 6th place in the Semitic alphabet - the source where the Canaanite, Greek and Latin alphabet are embroidered on - to the 25th and second to last place in the Latin alphabet.
The semitic symbol, a hook, shows similarities with the female gender sign but without a cross. The cross came later, at the end of the Semitic alphabet. Symbolically you could say that the 6th letter and the 22nd from the Semitic alphabet belong together as a female sign and together symbolize the female gender.
What the Babylonians did later. They linked the Semitic hook with a cross beneath it to the love and fertility of the woman, the planet Venus and the morning star.
This caused the necessary confusion of tonque, because centuries later, Christ [symbol for the cross and crossbearer] visualized himself as the morning star, the root and the lineage of David [Op. 22:16] and the one who holds the keys of death and the realm of the dead [Op. 1:18]. Keys that are in the shape of a Semitic hook. A hook that also has many similarities with a needle. What is reminiscent of the [Dutch] saying: crawl through the eye of the [hook] needle [lit: haaknaald/hook needle = chrochet hook] and not right [lit: not in the hook]. And the various stories of the sin(s) flood in the world.
In the Canaanite alphabet the chief has disappeared. Has the eye of the hook evolved from a semicircular to an angular scale. There the purity is measured in a scale of 1 on X and the bowls full of divine wrath [over all impurities] poured out over sun, air, earth and humanity, according to the Revelations of John [Op. 15: 5-8 + 16: 1-21].
The original hook has been downgraded from the sixth letter in the Semitic to the 19th place in the Canaanite alphabet. There - with a thin line through the eye - it are faced with ape, before the letter Q. In accordance with the saying: see the splinter in the eye of the other but not the beam in your own eye. What you could relate to that divine flood and Canaan, the grandson of Noah who became the scapegoat for his father's reaction to the behavior of his grandfather, the man who before the flood righteous and flawlessly walked next to God, but after that wasn't righteous and flawless anymore.
Because that is what you get if you don't distance yourself from narcissists who have made a divine habit of lust for power, damaging and tyrannizing others. If you know that that behavior is not right, but remain silent and expect that from others as well. If you also create scapegoats by punishing a grandchild because your child was not as silent as you did. If you want to make it clear to one child that you understand and accept his reaction, but want to reward the other children for their silence. If you challenge that one child just to be unreasonable as you and your ancestry have done, and delude those others that they are reasonable. In short, if you respond split.
That is just as wrong as the origin of the letter Y. The Y which stands for Y chromosome. A short male sex chromosome that has specialized in the transfer of male characteristics. Characteristics that the Babylonians have portrayed planetarily as a war-like destroying and plague-causing mars-man, similar to the scorching afternoon sun. Who they made a ape of by turning it into a sex sign in the shape of the Canaanite Q a quarter turn upwards, with the Canaanite A of the ox as a slanting arrow-hat on top. As a debauchee.
Because that is what you get with men who suggest that - unlike the X chromosome - it is okay [lit. in the hook] to erase everything that has nothing to do with sex and to defend that as efficiency. They are comparable to the X, chromosomically beside it, because that is the way of the least resistance to get rid of their sin (s) flood and then suggest that the X scapegoats are beasts that you have to control, and if that does not succeed must eradicate.
They use a vertical y-axis as a counterpart to the horizontal x-axis and indicate the intersection as the origin. The origin of new little X's and Y's. To which then they launch equations how easy they are to guide. And what their conductivity is. How easy they do what the Y leader wants, how easy they are to turn into scapegoats and how easily they can be led like a lamb to the slaughter.