There will be worldwide a basic income introduced for the 7 milliard [billion] earthlings. This wil be payed from the, by UN/government to cash wealth tax [solidarity tax]. All this is based on the following calculations and principles:
A resident child until his 18th year at least € 25000, - required [av. ca. € 115,- pm x 18 yr].
€ 1,009,000 x 7 milliard [billion] = € 7,063,000,000,000,000 = 7 billion [quadrillion] per generation.
There are now approximately 10.9 million millionaires and billionaires ca 1225 with a combined capacity of € 427 billion. If 3.5 billion people in 100 years jointly 7 billion [quadrillion] in wealth taxes transfer to the UN/government, then 7 milliard [billion] of people are 100 years able to live of it.