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Meaning righttosay

 What this is all about
 The meaning of righttosay

1.... about an Authoritarian society where you're never sure of your life and your right of say is constantly questioned and / or attacked – versus – a Believeble world where you can be yourself and it's good to live in for everyone. Seen from my 4-phases theory. My atheistic, humanistic, vegetarian and democratic vision. My (re)organized collection of in­for­ma­tion about a sense of justice and a responsibility attitude.

2.... about an authentic life on rational-human conditions. About will, can, do and being. Individual, Social, Responsible and Independent. About being and well-being. Concerning living, knowing, working and integrity. About your own views, conditions, codes of behavior and customs.

3.... about right of say and right to speak. Right of say about your own life [so NOT that of others] and the right to speak to make others known how you shape your own right of say. What is important to you. What choices you make. How you deal with the environment, circumstances and events. Who you are and where you want to develop to.

4.... about justice and skills. About the right to have control over your own life and the ability to speak out about what is im­por­tant to you. What you, based on your information, ap­pre­ci­a­te and tolerate and what not ... by yourself, the en­vi­ron­ment and others.

5.... about borders and assertiveness. About interpretations and disagreement. About confrontation and distance and in what way. About attuning and how and why.

6.... about inform and information. About holism and specialization. About highways and sideways. About right and left brain and white and gray matter. About organizing and reorganizing.

7.... about self and others. About intrinsic en extrinsic motivation About internal en external attuning. About [out]live without [unneeded] damaging you and everything that lies beyond you [like humans, animals, nature, environment and matter].

8.... about good and evil, good and bad choices, right and wrong ways and wide and narrow paths. About the road of the least resistance - the road most leaders and followers around you go after - and the road which is brutal paved with inhuman obstacles if you don't follow the same path of the least resistance.

9.... about codes of behavior and customary law.... of you and others. About past and present and the future of tomorrow. About observations, fantasies [thought-spin], ideas and standpoints that all over again turn to the underlying question: how do I get in a fair way from A to B. How do we create a world where it's good to live in for everyone. And what's essential for that. What is the collectvie foundation.

10.... about democracy and culture. About the right to say and express your own opinion. And that is just posssible if you frankly have control over your own life. About your IDentiity, your Individual Design. And that's best done in a so­cie­ty where others give you that space. Where you can be your self-chosen IDentity. And that's only possible if you at­tu­ne all those different opinions right. And that's exclusively achievable in a democracy that has set up the control over your own life as a fundamental right. And that only can happen if democracy is founded on a yourself and others not-da­ma­ging cul­ture. Righttosay will help you to do that. Will gives you food for thought about what you want, who you are and how you want to tune in to the rest. Because righttosay is such a culture. Such a democracy. My culture. My democracy. My way of life. With a witticism to my Human Resource Management background, based on my Humane Righteous Ma­na­ge­ment-style as HRM foundation.
