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4.1.3. Basic structure

Elze's picture

BASIC PRINCIPLES:  Humane rights for everyone, human, animal and nature.

  1. Most important principle:  The first and most important basic principle is not to damage yourself and others, or, in the context of self-defense and protect each other, as less as possible.

  2. One after most important principle: On this first basic principle the basic rights of human, animal and nature, as formulated in 4.2.1, are based

  3. Two after most important principle: All other regulations are subordinate to the above-mentioned basic principles.

  4. Three after most important principle: The judiciary oversees compliance.

FORM OF STATE:  Federal republicon a world scale.

  1. Highest Body:  UN= Planetairylevel / world

  2. One after highest Body:  States= internationallevel / part of the world

  3. Twafter highest Body:  Federal state= national level / countries

  4. Three after highest Body:  City-state= locallevel / regions.

FORM OF GOVERNMENT:  Humane de­mo­crac[hu­ma­no­cra­cy]. Consists of Indirect+­ di­rec­t de­mo­cracy

  1. Highest Body:  Political Judiciary

  2. One after highest Body:  Direct elected Federal Parlement [legislature power]

  3. Twafter highest Body:  Non-binding Referenda [advisory power]

  4. Three after highest Body:  Governing Power [executive power]

  5. Four after highest Body:  Supportive Power [power public employees]

JURISDICTION: Humanjurisdiction for everyone, human, animaland nature.

  1. Most important starting point: We all have the right to self-determination and control over ourselves, and speaking rights, but only on condition of attuning carefully, without damaging yourself and others.

  2. One after most important starting point: To be righteous is intrinsically - that is, without that another must alert you for that;out of your genetic supplied and from a within developed sense of justice - be conscious how, in a reasonable, honest, incorruptible and reliably way, you can deal with the opportunities and skills which are [really] available to you, and extrinsically can act towards it, without damaging yourself and/or others or to do short.

  3. Two after most important starting point: Every human being must learn to build on own sense of justice and responsiblility in every circumstance. So learn to respect the right of say and identity limits of themselves and others. So learn not to tolerate themselves and others blocking or damaging behaviour and resist in a righteous way. So learn what is good and evil and are straight and crooked reasonings. The earlier the better, but better late than never.

  4. Three after most important starting point: Every human being has at all times right on the crucial judicial protection, wherever he or she is unable to do so in a reasonable way itself.